Hi all,
As the month draws to a close, I wanted to announce this year's ombudsman commission, and offer my thanks to those who have served on the commission for the past year.
Outgoing commission members are: Carkuni, of jawiki DR, of ruwiki Elian, of dewiki Lar, of enwiki and commonswiki Palnatoke, of dawiki.
I know that you join me in thanking them for their service to the community.
The incoming commission is: User:HerbyThyme, of commonswiki User:Sir48, of dawiki User:FloNight, of enwiki, commonswiki and wikiquote User:Mwpnl, of nlwiki User:Thogo, of dewiki
They will serve for a term of one year.
Thanks, everyone!
Best, pb
_______________________ Philippe Beaudette Head of Reader Relations Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
ofc: +1 415 839 6885 x6643 mobile: +1 918 200 WIKI (9454)
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On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 6:39 PM, Philippe Beaudette pbeaudette@wikimedia.org wrote:
They will serve for a term of one year.
When does their term begin? If it's now then we need to ask a steward to remove the old ones from the global group and add in the new ones, but if it's not until later then we can wait. We also need to switch out the mailing list subscribers and update [[m:Ombudsman commission]].