(moving thread from wikien-l to foundation-l. Please reply there)
Jens Ropers wrote:
- I am seeking to donate the wikipaedia.net domain name (which I have
registered) to the Wikipedia Foundation.
Thank you for offering us this. My only concern is that confusion could arise if we own wikipaedia.net but not the other wikipaedia domains. If we don't own any of them, it's more obvious that wikipaedia is nothing to do with us.
- A particularly bad serial cybersquatter is controlling
wikipaedia.org, wikipaedia.com and wikipaedia.de. We really should get these domains off him (and would be able to do so).
I asked in the German IRC channel about this. Maybe I'm assuming too much good faith, but I think we ought to approach that site owner in a friendly way at first before we get too heavy handed. Sansculotte is going to take this to the VereinDE-l mailing list and discuss it there. Hopefully someone who speaks German can contact the site about this. We might well get no reply, but at least we can say we tried before taking this any further. It is worth noting that Akl was successful in getting the wikipedia.ch and wikipedia.at domains back, so perhaps this can be successful too.