Ah, that is a great idea! I might try and push for something like that on the en version, if it isn't being done already. Unfortunately, I've been gone so long that I don't know how these {{}} tags actually work. Could someone point be to the appropriate article on en that explains them? Thanks!
On Wed, 11 Aug 2004 17:23:11 +0200, Yann Forget yann@forget-me.net wrote:
Le Wednesday 11 August 2004 16:56, mbecker a écrit :
Well, I'm glad the copyright issues have been cleared up. Thank you everyone for your responses. Is any work being done to allow the tagging of images as copyrighted or GFDL? I would like to see this happen before we have millions of copyrighted images on wikipedia. Otherwise, it could be a lot more work trying to find the copyrighted images to tag them. It concerns me that some of our free (as in freedom, not beer) content is dependent on non-free content. However, if we can draw a clear line between copyrighted and GFDL content on the database side of things, I think this will help keep the free and non-free content separate, allowing anyone to use our free content freely, without a risk of accidentally including non-free content.
On fr:, we are doing it now. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discussion_Utilisateur:Tipiac/images and the list is getting smaller every minute.
We use the following tags whenever possible: {{GFDL}} {{DomainePublic}} {{FairUse}} {{LicenceInconnue}} (unknown)
So later on, we can either clarify or remove the unknown licence images.
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