Hi folks,
a quick update on the launch of a travel project under the WMF umbrella, and the import of the existing Wikivoyage site.
* The name of the new site will be wikivoyage.org, per community vote. Language domains will live at (foo).wikivoyage.org.
* A mailing list has been set up at https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikivoyage-l
* We're not planning to import "Wikivoyage Shared" (which is a media repository similar to Commons) and are encouraging the community to help with transferring appropriately licensed files to Wikimedia Commons.
* The Wikivoyage Association is currently finalizing details of a domain name transfer with WMF. They have also recently secured wikivoyage.com.
* The technical launch team at WMF consists of Chris Steipp, Daniel Zahn, Sam Reed, Matthias Mullie, and myself. Everyone is encouraged to help. Technical updates will be posted to https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikivoyage_migration and related pages.
We're using #wikimedia-wikivoyage on irc.freenode.net to coordinate, so feel free to join us there any time and use it for other related issues.
* We've received a tarball of extensions running on the Wikivoyage sites, have imported them into Wikimedia's Git repo, and are currently reviewing them and making changes where needed to ensure they're ready for WMF. See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikivoyage_migration/Extensions for a list of extensions if you want to help (and feel free to comment on the priorities suggested by the Wikivoyage folks)
We may not be able to deploy all extensions; we're using the two week time-box for the launch as the main forcing function.
* The hairiest part is to properly migrate user accounts. We can only migrate with users' permission, so Wikivoyage will kick off an opt-in process shortly to ask users to consent to transferring their private account data. On the WMF side, we have to reconcile account names with existing ones and require renames if necessary.
We'll set up an initially private test instance in Labs and iterate over it with a (possibly reduced) content import, to ensure that all the tricky legal bits (e.g. attribution) are handled correctly. Then we'll set up the production cluster wikis.
* Our goal is to go live by the end of this month. That might slip depending on the domain name transfer and unexpected technical hurdles or emergencies on the WMF side. We will aim to minimize downtime for current users, and to ensure that the old sites can be available in read-only mode for a little while longer to make it possible to compare site behavior.
Let me know if you have any questions about the process. :-)
All best, Erik
Exciting stuff!
Don't forget to provision .m domains for wikivoyage if a mobile version is expected (I imagine it is). As a side note, it would be great if provisioning .m domains was sop for setting up new domains.
On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Erik Moeller erik@wikimedia.org wrote:
Hi folks,
a quick update on the launch of a travel project under the WMF umbrella, and the import of the existing Wikivoyage site.
- The name of the new site will be wikivoyage.org, per community vote.
Language domains will live at (foo).wikivoyage.org.
- A mailing list has been set up at
- We're not planning to import "Wikivoyage Shared" (which is a media
repository similar to Commons) and are encouraging the community to help with transferring appropriately licensed files to Wikimedia Commons.
- The Wikivoyage Association is currently finalizing details of a
domain name transfer with WMF. They have also recently secured wikivoyage.com.
- The technical launch team at WMF consists of Chris Steipp, Daniel
Zahn, Sam Reed, Matthias Mullie, and myself. Everyone is encouraged to help. Technical updates will be posted to https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikivoyage_migration and related pages.
We're using #wikimedia-wikivoyage on irc.freenode.net to coordinate, so feel free to join us there any time and use it for other related issues.
- We've received a tarball of extensions running on the Wikivoyage
sites, have imported them into Wikimedia's Git repo, and are currently reviewing them and making changes where needed to ensure they're ready for WMF. See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikivoyage_migration/Extensions for a list of extensions if you want to help (and feel free to comment on the priorities suggested by the Wikivoyage folks)
We may not be able to deploy all extensions; we're using the two week time-box for the launch as the main forcing function.
- The hairiest part is to properly migrate user accounts. We can only
migrate with users' permission, so Wikivoyage will kick off an opt-in process shortly to ask users to consent to transferring their private account data. On the WMF side, we have to reconcile account names with existing ones and require renames if necessary.
We'll set up an initially private test instance in Labs and iterate over it with a (possibly reduced) content import, to ensure that all the tricky legal bits (e.g. attribution) are handled correctly. Then we'll set up the production cluster wikis.
- Our goal is to go live by the end of this month. That might slip
depending on the domain name transfer and unexpected technical hurdles or emergencies on the WMF side. We will aim to minimize downtime for current users, and to ensure that the old sites can be available in read-only mode for a little while longer to make it possible to compare site behavior.
Let me know if you have any questions about the process. :-)
All best, Erik
-- Erik Möller VP of Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Foundation
Support Free Knowledge: https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Donate
Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
Hi Erik,
What languages are you launching with and what is the procedure for launching new languages?
Thanks, Strainu
2012/10/16 Erik Moeller erik@wikimedia.org:
Hi folks,
a quick update on the launch of a travel project under the WMF umbrella, and the import of the existing Wikivoyage site.
- The name of the new site will be wikivoyage.org, per community vote.
Language domains will live at (foo).wikivoyage.org.
- A mailing list has been set up at
- We're not planning to import "Wikivoyage Shared" (which is a media
repository similar to Commons) and are encouraging the community to help with transferring appropriately licensed files to Wikimedia Commons.
- The Wikivoyage Association is currently finalizing details of a
domain name transfer with WMF. They have also recently secured wikivoyage.com.
- The technical launch team at WMF consists of Chris Steipp, Daniel
Zahn, Sam Reed, Matthias Mullie, and myself. Everyone is encouraged to help. Technical updates will be posted to https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikivoyage_migration and related pages.
We're using #wikimedia-wikivoyage on irc.freenode.net to coordinate, so feel free to join us there any time and use it for other related issues.
- We've received a tarball of extensions running on the Wikivoyage
sites, have imported them into Wikimedia's Git repo, and are currently reviewing them and making changes where needed to ensure they're ready for WMF. See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikivoyage_migration/Extensions for a list of extensions if you want to help (and feel free to comment on the priorities suggested by the Wikivoyage folks)
We may not be able to deploy all extensions; we're using the two week time-box for the launch as the main forcing function.
- The hairiest part is to properly migrate user accounts. We can only
migrate with users' permission, so Wikivoyage will kick off an opt-in process shortly to ask users to consent to transferring their private account data. On the WMF side, we have to reconcile account names with existing ones and require renames if necessary.
We'll set up an initially private test instance in Labs and iterate over it with a (possibly reduced) content import, to ensure that all the tricky legal bits (e.g. attribution) are handled correctly. Then we'll set up the production cluster wikis.
- Our goal is to go live by the end of this month. That might slip
depending on the domain name transfer and unexpected technical hurdles or emergencies on the WMF side. We will aim to minimize downtime for current users, and to ensure that the old sites can be available in read-only mode for a little while longer to make it possible to compare site behavior.
Let me know if you have any questions about the process. :-)
All best, Erik
-- Erik Möller VP of Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Foundation
Support Free Knowledge: https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Donate
Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 1:37 PM, Strainu strainu10@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Erik,
What languages are you launching with and what is the procedure for launching new languages?
We're basing the initial set on the languages which are ready for import from Wikivoyage. At this point, it looks like that would be German, Italian, English, French, Dutch and Swedish.
I think it's up to the language committee and the larger Wikimedia community to determine the process for new languages. My understanding is that per https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Language_proposal_policy new languages would need to use the incubator at first to demonstrate viability.
A great update. Thanks Erik!
On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 4:56 PM, Erik Moeller erik@wikimedia.org wrote:
On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 1:37 PM, Strainu strainu10@gmail.com wrote:
We're basing the initial set on the languages which are ready for import from Wikivoyage. At this point, it looks like that would be German, Italian, English, French, Dutch and Swedish.
I think it's up to the language committee and the larger Wikimedia community to determine the process for new languages. My understanding is that per https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Language_proposal_policy new languages would need to use the incubator at first to demonstrate viability.
Hoi, This has been discussed in the language committee. In the committee we all agreed that the existing languages for Wikivoyage should start without any interference of us and that new languages should start through the normal process because from now they are just like any other new project in a language. Thanks, Gerard
On 16 October 2012 22:56, Erik Moeller erik@wikimedia.org wrote:
On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 1:37 PM, Strainu strainu10@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Erik,
What languages are you launching with and what is the procedure for launching new languages?
We're basing the initial set on the languages which are ready for import from Wikivoyage. At this point, it looks like that would be German, Italian, English, French, Dutch and Swedish.
I think it's up to the language committee and the larger Wikimedia community to determine the process for new languages. My understanding is that per https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Language_proposal_policy new languages would need to use the incubator at first to demonstrate viability.
Erik Möller VP of Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Foundation
Support Free Knowledge: https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Donate
Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
2012/10/17 Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen@gmail.com:
This has been discussed in the language committee. In the committee we all agreed that the existing languages for Wikivoyage should start without any interference of us and that new languages should start through the normal process because from now they are just like any other new project in a language.
But how about languages already existing in Wikitravel? They already have the content, if not the community.
2012/10/17 Strainu strainu10@gmail.com:
2012/10/17 Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen@gmail.com:
This has been discussed in the language committee. In the committee we all agreed that the existing languages for Wikivoyage should start without any interference of us and that new languages should start through the normal process because from now they are just like any other new project in a language.
But how about languages already existing in Wikitravel? They already have the content, if not the community.
As Gerard said, the existing languages for Wikivoyage should start without any interference.
-- Amir Elisha Aharoni · אָמִיר אֱלִישָׁע אַהֲרוֹנִי http://aharoni.wordpress.com “We're living in pieces, I want to live in peace.” – T. Moore
On 17 October 2012 09:16, Amir E. Aharoni amir.aharoni@mail.huji.ac.ilwrote:
2012/10/17 Strainu strainu10@gmail.com:
2012/10/17 Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen@gmail.com:
This has been discussed in the language committee. In the committee we
agreed that the existing languages for Wikivoyage should start without
interference of us and that new languages should start through the
process because from now they are just like any other new project in a language.
But how about languages already existing in Wikitravel? They already have the content, if not the community.
As Gerard said, the existing languages for Wikivoyage should start without any interference.
Amir, I think Strainu is referring to languages that exist on Wikitravel but not Wikivoyage. Deryck
2012/10/17 Amir E. Aharoni amir.aharoni@mail.huji.ac.il:
2012/10/17 Strainu strainu10@gmail.com:
2012/10/17 Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen@gmail.com:
This has been discussed in the language committee. In the committee we all agreed that the existing languages for Wikivoyage should start without any interference of us and that new languages should start through the normal process because from now they are just like any other new project in a language.
But how about languages already existing in Wikitravel? They already have the content, if not the community.
As Gerard said, the existing languages for Wikivoyage should start without any interference.
But the question is about exisitng Wikitravel languages. For example there is hebrew Wikitravel but there is no hebrew Wikivoyage.
Actually the hebrew version of wikitravel has only 102 articiles but for example Polish:
has 2585, although actually is in fact half-dead and going through the incubator-language committee process will rather discourage the tiny community of Polish wikitravel to switch to vikivoyage, so the effect will be that Polish wikivoage won't appear in predictable future. I guess the same will be with other mid-size wikitravel language versions of which there are a couple around...
Hope I am wrong anyway :-)
On Wed, 17 Oct 2012 09:44:49 +0200, Gerard Meijssen wrote:
Hoi, This has been discussed in the language committee. In the committee we all agreed that the existing languages for Wikivoyage should start without any interference of us and that new languages should start through the normal process because from now they are just like any other new project in a language. Thanks, Gerard
There is Russian version of Wikitravel but not of (old) Wikivoyage. Should they still go to the incubator?
Cheers Yaroslav
2012/10/17 Deryck Chan deryckchan@wikimedia.hk:
I think Strainu is referring to languages that exist on Wikitravel but not Wikivoyage.
Probably a practical question: As Wikitravel closed the API in August, there is probably no more data that Wikivoyage could rescue from the project than now is available in Wikivoyage. If a language community needs a fresh start in Wikivoyage it would have to begin from the very beginning. In this case it would be best to go through Incubator.
Regards, Jürgen.
2012/10/17 Deryck Chan deryckchan@wikimedia.hk:
On 17 October 2012 09:16, Amir E. Aharoni amir.aharoni@mail.huji.ac.ilwrote:
2012/10/17 Strainu strainu10@gmail.com:
2012/10/17 Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen@gmail.com:
This has been discussed in the language committee. In the committee we
agreed that the existing languages for Wikivoyage should start without
interference of us and that new languages should start through the
process because from now they are just like any other new project in a language.
But how about languages already existing in Wikitravel? They already have the content, if not the community.
As Gerard said, the existing languages for Wikivoyage should start without any interference.
Amir, I think Strainu is referring to languages that exist on Wikitravel but not Wikivoyage.
/me slaps self.
Well, this confusion will probably happen a lot with this project.
-- Amir Elisha Aharoni · אָמִיר אֱלִישָׁע אַהֲרוֹנִי http://aharoni.wordpress.com “We're living in pieces, I want to live in peace.” – T. Moore
2012/10/17 Juergen Fenn schneeschmelze@googlemail.com:
2012/10/17 Deryck Chan deryckchan@wikimedia.hk:
I think Strainu is referring to languages that exist on Wikitravel but not Wikivoyage.
Probably a practical question: As Wikitravel closed the API in August, there is probably no more data that Wikivoyage could rescue from the project than now is available in Wikivoyage. If a language community needs a fresh start in Wikivoyage it would have to begin from the very beginning. In this case it would be best to go through Incubator.
So, the predictable effect will be that mid-size wikitravel language versions which did not moved to wikivoyage before August will rather stay on Wikitravel. There will be hard to find volunteers in these langauges ready to go through painful and time consuming process of incubator as there is already working wiki that anyone can join without any obstacles...
2012/10/17 Juergen Fenn schneeschmelze@googlemail.com:
2012/10/17 Deryck Chan deryckchan@wikimedia.hk:
I think Strainu is referring to languages that exist on Wikitravel but not Wikivoyage.
Probably a practical question: As Wikitravel closed the API in August, there is probably no more data that Wikivoyage could rescue from the project than now is available in Wikivoyage. If a language community needs a fresh start in Wikivoyage it would have to begin from the very beginning. In this case it would be best to go through Incubator.
That's not precisely true. With enough determination, the content can be extracted from Wikitravel, even now. Hell, even copy-paste would work to some extent.
But I remember that the archive team said they had a dump from August 2011 for all the Wikitravel languages and private persons might have more recent dumps. Can't those be used?
2012/10/17 Tomasz Ganicz polimerek@gmail.com:
So, the predictable effect will be that mid-size wikitravel language versions which did not moved to wikivoyage before August will rather stay on Wikitravel. There will be hard to find volunteers in these langauges ready to go through painful and time consuming process of incubator as there is already working wiki that anyone can join without any obstacles...
I don't think this is necessarily true, even if it is an important risk and one of the reasons I've asked the questions originally. For instance, the Romanian Wikitravel was virtually dead, but some people from ro.wp expressed interest in contributing to the new site if it has a Romanian version.
2012/10/17 Tomasz Ganicz polimerek@gmail.com:
Probably a practical question: As Wikitravel closed the API in August, there is probably no more data that Wikivoyage could rescue from the project than now is available in Wikivoyage. If a language community needs a fresh start in Wikivoyage it would have to begin from the very beginning. In this case it would be best to go through Incubator.
So, the predictable effect will be that mid-size wikitravel language versions which did not moved to wikivoyage before August will rather stay on Wikitravel. There will be hard to find volunteers in these langauges ready to go through painful and time consuming process of incubator as there is already working wiki that anyone can join without any obstacles...
Maybe, maybe not. First of all, Wikitravel is to blame because they hinder free content from being used according to its license. But perhaps it would be possible to migrate language versions even though to Incubator and then to new Wikivoyage proper.
Regards, Jürgen.
2012/10/17 Juergen Fenn schneeschmelze@googlemail.com:
2012/10/17 Deryck Chan deryckchan@wikimedia.hk:
I think Strainu is referring to languages that exist on Wikitravel
but not
Probably a practical question: As Wikitravel closed the API in August, there is probably no more data that Wikivoyage could rescue from the project than now is available in Wikivoyage. If a language community needs a fresh start in Wikivoyage it would have to begin from the very beginning. In this case it would be best to go through Incubator.
That's not precisely true. With enough determination, the content can be extracted from Wikitravel, even now. Hell, even copy-paste would work to some extent.
But I remember that the archive team said they had a dump from August 2011 for all the Wikitravel languages and private persons might have more recent dumps. Can't those be used?
2012/10/17 Tomasz Ganicz polimerek@gmail.com:
So, the predictable effect will be that mid-size wikitravel language versions which did not moved to wikivoyage before August will rather stay on Wikitravel. There will be hard to find volunteers in these langauges ready to go through painful and time consuming process of incubator as there is already working wiki that anyone can join without any obstacles...
I don't think this is necessarily true, even if it is an important risk and one of the reasons I've asked the questions originally. For instance, the Romanian Wikitravel was virtually dead, but some people from ro.wp expressed interest in contributing to the new site if it has a Romanian version.
It's correct that the dumps of all languages from August 2012 are available at Wikivoyage saved as XML files.
But these files could not be used to publish them immediately because they contain a lot of spam which must be removed by the community before. But the communities are missing.
In some cases it makes sense to think about establishing a language branch from scratch.
See also the interest list at
at least five authors and admins should show their interest in helping to migrate the wikis.
2012/10/17 Roland Unger roland.unger@soziologie.uni-halle.de:
2012/10/17 Juergen Fenn schneeschmelze@googlemail.com:
2012/10/17 Deryck Chan deryckchan@wikimedia.hk:
I think Strainu is referring to languages that exist on Wikitravel
but not
Probably a practical question: As Wikitravel closed the API in August, there is probably no more data that Wikivoyage could rescue from the project than now is available in Wikivoyage. If a language community needs a fresh start in Wikivoyage it would have to begin from the very beginning. In this case it would be best to go through Incubator.
That's not precisely true. With enough determination, the content can be extracted from Wikitravel, even now. Hell, even copy-paste would work to some extent.
But I remember that the archive team said they had a dump from August 2011 for all the Wikitravel languages and private persons might have more recent dumps. Can't those be used?
2012/10/17 Tomasz Ganicz polimerek@gmail.com:
So, the predictable effect will be that mid-size wikitravel language versions which did not moved to wikivoyage before August will rather stay on Wikitravel. There will be hard to find volunteers in these langauges ready to go through painful and time consuming process of incubator as there is already working wiki that anyone can join without any obstacles...
I don't think this is necessarily true, even if it is an important risk and one of the reasons I've asked the questions originally. For instance, the Romanian Wikitravel was virtually dead, but some people from ro.wp expressed interest in contributing to the new site if it has a Romanian version.
It's correct that the dumps of all languages from August 2012 are available at Wikivoyage saved as XML files.
But these files could not be used to publish them immediately because they contain a lot of spam which must be removed by the community before. But the communities are missing.
In some cases it makes sense to think about establishing a language branch from scratch.
See also the interest list at
at least five authors and admins should show their interest in helping to migrate the wikis.
I personally don't see much value in starting a new project on Wikivoyage now (except perhaps to avoid the Incubator, which is a more bureaucratic process). One of the reasons people did not contribute to Wikitravel was that it was "different" (e.g. different accounts, extensions etc.)
From my perspective, what is relevant is that we do not want to interfere
with languages that exist in Wikitravel. It is quite likely that most of these languages are quite good from a localisation point of view.
What makes sense if several languages are not in Wikivoyage yet, we can extend our waiver for going through the incubator for a set period ... something like a year or the end of 2013 ? Our point is not to hinder the start of existing communities in a new to be created Wikivoyage instance.
All the details mentioned in this mail thread have not been considered by the language committee but I do not believe it will be a problem by any of its members. Thanks, Gerard
On 17 October 2012 11:07, Juergen Fenn schneeschmelze@googlemail.comwrote:
2012/10/17 Tomasz Ganicz polimerek@gmail.com:
Probably a practical question: As Wikitravel closed the API in August, there is probably no more data that Wikivoyage could rescue from the project than now is available in Wikivoyage. If a language community needs a fresh start in Wikivoyage it would have to begin from the very beginning. In this case it would be best to go through Incubator.
So, the predictable effect will be that mid-size wikitravel language versions which did not moved to wikivoyage before August will rather stay on Wikitravel. There will be hard to find volunteers in these langauges ready to go through painful and time consuming process of incubator as there is already working wiki that anyone can join without any obstacles...
Maybe, maybe not. First of all, Wikitravel is to blame because they hinder free content from being used according to its license. But perhaps it would be possible to migrate language versions even though to Incubator and then to new Wikivoyage proper.
Regards, Jürgen.
Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
And Portuguese WikiTravel? Which has nearly 3000 articles, ie more than WikiTravel in Spanish, which also is not listed, and has more than ru and sv, which were imported. And updates are occurring.
On 17 October 2012 08:27, Strainu strainu10@gmail.com wrote:
2012/10/17 Roland Unger roland.unger@soziologie.uni-halle.de:
2012/10/17 Juergen Fenn schneeschmelze@googlemail.com:
2012/10/17 Deryck Chan deryckchan@wikimedia.hk:
I think Strainu is referring to languages that exist on Wikitravel
but not
Probably a practical question: As Wikitravel closed the API in
there is probably no more data that Wikivoyage could rescue from the project than now is available in Wikivoyage. If a language community needs a fresh start in Wikivoyage it would have to begin from the
beginning. In this case it would be best to go through Incubator.
That's not precisely true. With enough determination, the content can be extracted from Wikitravel, even now. Hell, even copy-paste would work to some extent.
But I remember that the archive team said they had a dump from August 2011 for all the Wikitravel languages and private persons might have more recent dumps. Can't those be used?
2012/10/17 Tomasz Ganicz polimerek@gmail.com:
So, the predictable effect will be that mid-size wikitravel language versions which did not moved to wikivoyage before August will rather stay on Wikitravel. There will be hard to find volunteers in these langauges ready to go through painful and time consuming process of incubator as there is already working wiki that anyone can join without any obstacles...
I don't think this is necessarily true, even if it is an important risk and one of the reasons I've asked the questions originally. For instance, the Romanian Wikitravel was virtually dead, but some people from ro.wp expressed interest in contributing to the new site if it has a Romanian version.
It's correct that the dumps of all languages from August 2012 are
at Wikivoyage saved as XML files.
But these files could not be used to publish them immediately because
contain a lot of spam which must be removed by the community before. But the communities are missing.
In some cases it makes sense to think about establishing a language branch from scratch.
See also the interest list at
at least five authors and admins should show their interest in helping to migrate the wikis.
I personally don't see much value in starting a new project on Wikivoyage now (except perhaps to avoid the Incubator, which is a more bureaucratic process). One of the reasons people did not contribute to Wikitravel was that it was "different" (e.g. different accounts, extensions etc.)
Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
And Portuguese WikiTravel? Which has nearly 3000 articles, ie more than WikiTravel in Spanish, which also is not listed, and has more than ru and sv, which were imported. And updates are occurring.
There is up to now no community (5 persons) who helps migrating the content.
See: http://www.wikivoyage.org/general/Interest_in_starting_a_new_language_versio...
On 17 October 2012 08:27, Strainu strainu10@gmail.com wrote:
2012/10/17 Roland Unger roland.unger@soziologie.uni-halle.de:
2012/10/17 Juergen Fenn schneeschmelze@googlemail.com:
2012/10/17 Deryck Chan deryckchan@wikimedia.hk:
> I think Strainu is referring to languages that exist on Wikitravel
but not
> Wikivoyage.
Probably a practical question: As Wikitravel closed the API in
there is probably no more data that Wikivoyage could rescue
from the
project than now is available in Wikivoyage. If a language community needs a fresh start in Wikivoyage it would have to begin from
beginning. In this case it would be best to go through Incubator.
That's not precisely true. With enough determination, the content
be extracted from Wikitravel, even now. Hell, even copy-paste would work to some extent.
But I remember that the archive team said they had a dump from August 2011 for all the Wikitravel languages and private persons might have more recent dumps. Can't those be used?
2012/10/17 Tomasz Ganicz polimerek@gmail.com:
So, the predictable effect will be that mid-size wikitravel language versions which did not moved to wikivoyage before August will rather stay on Wikitravel. There will be hard to find volunteers in these langauges ready to go through painful and time consuming
process of
incubator as there is already working wiki that anyone can join without any obstacles...
I don't think this is necessarily true, even if it is an important risk and one of the reasons I've asked the questions originally.
instance, the Romanian Wikitravel was virtually dead, but some people from ro.wp expressed interest in contributing to the new site if
has a Romanian version.
It's correct that the dumps of all languages from August 2012 are
at Wikivoyage saved as XML files.
But these files could not be used to publish them immediately because
contain a lot of spam which must be removed by the community before. But the communities are missing.
In some cases it makes sense to think about establishing a language branch from scratch.
See also the interest list at
at least five authors and admins should show their interest in
helping to
migrate the wikis.
I personally don't see much value in starting a new project on Wikivoyage now (except perhaps to avoid the Incubator, which is a more bureaucratic process). One of the reasons people did not contribute
Wikitravel was that it was "different" (e.g. different accounts, extensions etc.)
Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
-- Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton rodrigo.argenton@gmail.com +55 11 97 97 18 884 _______________________________________________ Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
Now, we have five :D
On 17 October 2012 10:29, Roland Unger <roland.unger@soziologie.uni-halle.de
And Portuguese WikiTravel? Which has nearly 3000 articles, ie more than WikiTravel in Spanish,
also is not listed, and has more than ru and sv, which were imported. And updates are occurring.
There is up to now no community (5 persons) who helps migrating the content.
On 17 October 2012 08:27, Strainu strainu10@gmail.com wrote:
2012/10/17 Roland Unger roland.unger@soziologie.uni-halle.de:
2012/10/17 Juergen Fenn schneeschmelze@googlemail.com: > 2012/10/17 Deryck Chan deryckchan@wikimedia.hk: > >> I think Strainu is referring to languages that exist on
but not
>> Wikivoyage. > > Probably a practical question: As Wikitravel closed the API in
> there is probably no more data that Wikivoyage could rescue
from the
> project than now is available in Wikivoyage. If a language
> needs a fresh start in Wikivoyage it would have to begin from
> beginning. In this case it would be best to go through Incubator. >
That's not precisely true. With enough determination, the content
be extracted from Wikitravel, even now. Hell, even copy-paste would work to some extent.
But I remember that the archive team said they had a dump from
2011 for all the Wikitravel languages and private persons might
more recent dumps. Can't those be used?
2012/10/17 Tomasz Ganicz polimerek@gmail.com:
So, the predictable effect will be that mid-size wikitravel
versions which did not moved to wikivoyage before August will
stay on Wikitravel. There will be hard to find volunteers in these langauges ready to go through painful and time consuming
process of
incubator as there is already working wiki that anyone can join without any obstacles...
I don't think this is necessarily true, even if it is an important risk and one of the reasons I've asked the questions originally.
instance, the Romanian Wikitravel was virtually dead, but some
from ro.wp expressed interest in contributing to the new site if
has a Romanian version.
It's correct that the dumps of all languages from August 2012 are
at Wikivoyage saved as XML files.
But these files could not be used to publish them immediately because
contain a lot of spam which must be removed by the community before. But the communities are missing.
In some cases it makes sense to think about establishing a language branch from scratch.
See also the interest list at
at least five authors and admins should show their interest in
helping to
migrate the wikis.
I personally don't see much value in starting a new project on Wikivoyage now (except perhaps to avoid the Incubator, which is a more bureaucratic process). One of the reasons people did not contribute
Wikitravel was that it was "different" (e.g. different accounts, extensions etc.)
Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
-- Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton rodrigo.argenton@gmail.com +55 11 97 97 18 884 _______________________________________________ Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 10:36:28AM +0200, Juergen Fenn wrote:
2012/10/17 Deryck Chan deryckchan@wikimedia.hk:
I think Strainu is referring to languages that exist on Wikitravel but not Wikivoyage.
Probably a practical question: As Wikitravel closed the API in August, there is probably no more data that Wikivoyage could rescue from the project than now is available in Wikivoyage. If a language community needs a fresh start in Wikivoyage it would have to begin from the very beginning. In this case it would be best to go through Incubator.
Actually I'd look into some (old?) versions of the old pywikipedia bot framework. Originally, pywikipedia used screen/web-scraping, which should always work. Possibly pywikipedia is overkill even, depending on what options are still open on wikitravel.
If no one has done so, and people feel a pressing need, (and if you can find me): call me, beep me, and I might yet take a look.
sincerely, Kim Bruning
ps. For reasons, I'd like to stress that this applies to fetching CC-licensed content only; as created by CC-licensors only; as permitted by that license only. -Which applies to most/all of wikitravel as per TOS and licensing terms AFAICT.
pps. (note: my TODO-list is long and ancient :-/ tips on list-management appreciated!)
So, if you've not been following along on wikivoyage-l ( https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikivoyage-l ), you should know that Wikivoyage is now hosted on WMF servers. :) We're currently in "beta", as there's still lots of smaller and larger issues to work through, including transferring images to Commons or local wikis as appropriate. But now's a great time to get involved if you want to help fix things. These are the languages that are live now:
httsp://en.wikivoyage.org/ https://de.wikivoyage.org/ https://ru.wikivoyage.org/ https://nl.wikivoyage.org/ https://it.wikivoyage.org/ https://sv.wikivoyage.org/
But, any other language code should gracefully redict you to Wikimedia Incubator, where you can easily get started to prove viability of a new language. :-)
Like I said: Lots of things are still wonky. If you notice something you can't fix, please report it on Bugzilla and add it as a blocker for the tracking bug here:
While we're not done yet, I'd like to take this chance to thank everyone who's been part of the process so far:
* the existing communities for being awesome in supporting this migration :-) * Wikivoyage e.V. and especially Hans (for being our main tech contact managing the DB transfers), Stefan (for handling all the organizational fun), and Roland (for technical support and review). * the WMF technical launch team: Chris Steipp, Daniel Zahn, Matthias Mullie, Sam Reed + everyone who chipped in with help and support. * the WMF legal and community advocacy team: Geoff Brigham, Kelly Kay, Philippe Beaudette, and everyone else who helped. * anyone else I've forgotten to name :-)
All the best, Erik
On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 11:29 AM, Erik Moeller erik@wikimedia.org wrote:
Er, https://en.wikivoyage.org/ :)
<gets distracted reading WV for 15 minutes> It really is a beautiful project to get lost in :-)
Thank you (and Hans!) for all of the work done to make this happen quickly.
On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 12:59 AM, Erik Moeller erik@wikimedia.org wrote:
So, if you've not been following along on wikivoyage-l ( https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikivoyage-l ), you should know that Wikivoyage is now hosted on WMF servers. :) We're currently in "beta", as there's still lots of smaller and larger issues to work through, including transferring images to Commons or local wikis as appropriate. But now's a great time to get involved if you want to help fix things. These are the languages that are live now:
httsp://en.wikivoyage.org/ https://de.wikivoyage.org/ https://ru.wikivoyage.org/ https://nl.wikivoyage.org/ https://it.wikivoyage.org/ https://sv.wikivoyage.org/
But, any other language code should gracefully redict you to Wikimedia Incubator, where you can easily get started to prove viability of a new language. :-)
Like I said: Lots of things are still wonky. If you notice something you can't fix, please report it on Bugzilla and add it as a blocker for the tracking bug here:
While we're not done yet, I'd like to take this chance to thank everyone who's been part of the process so far:
- the existing communities for being awesome in supporting this migration
- Wikivoyage e.V. and especially Hans (for being our main tech contact
managing the DB transfers), Stefan (for handling all the organizational fun), and Roland (for technical support and review).
- the WMF technical launch team: Chris Steipp, Daniel Zahn, Matthias
Mullie, Sam Reed + everyone who chipped in with help and support.
- the WMF legal and community advocacy team: Geoff Brigham, Kelly Kay,
Philippe Beaudette, and everyone else who helped.
- anyone else I've forgotten to name :-)
All the best, Erik
-- Erik Möller VP of Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Foundation
Support Free Knowledge: https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Donate
Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
Roland Unger, 17/10/2012 11:11:
It's correct that the dumps of all languages from August 2012 are available at Wikivoyage saved as XML files.
But these files could not be used to publish them immediately because they contain a lot of spam which must be removed by the community before. But the communities are missing.
How is spam preventing publishing of dumps? Nobody bothers if the dumps contain spam (only users' private data would be a problem), please publish them all so that they can be archived on archive.org.
In some cases it makes sense to think about establishing a language branch from scratch.
See also the interest list at
at least five authors and admins should show their interest in helping to migrate the wikis.
I've not understood what the LangCom actually meant to decide, anyway if some language versions happened to be non eligible for direct creation their content should be moved to the incubator. (How much spam is tolerable for them would have to be discussed on incubator itself.)
Soo... We need to restart de pt.wikivoyage.org? One of the biggest projects?????? This is true?? 2000 articles, importing by hand???
On 11 November 2012 05:58, Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki@gmail.com wrote:
Roland Unger, 17/10/2012 11:11:
It's correct that the dumps of all languages from August 2012 are
available at Wikivoyage saved as XML files.
But these files could not be used to publish them immediately because they contain a lot of spam which must be removed by the community before. But the communities are missing.
How is spam preventing publishing of dumps? Nobody bothers if the dumps contain spam (only users' private data would be a problem), please publish them all so that they can be archived on archive.org.
In some cases it makes sense to think about establishing a language branch from scratch.
See also the interest list at
http://www.wikivoyage.org/**general/Interest_in_starting_** a_new_language_versionhttp://www.wikivoyage.org/general/Interest_in_starting_a_new_language_version
at least five authors and admins should show their interest in helping to migrate the wikis.
I've not understood what the LangCom actually meant to decide, anyway if some language versions happened to be non eligible for direct creation their content should be moved to the incubator. (How much spam is tolerable for them would have to be discussed on incubator itself.)
______________________________**_________________ Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.**org Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/**mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-lhttps://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 9:13 AM, Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton rodrigo.argenton@gmail.com wrote:
Soo... We need to restart de pt.wikivoyage.org? One of the biggest projects?????? This is true?? 2000 articles, importing by hand???
Hi Rodrigo,
we were only able to import languages from Wikivoyage where dumps were prepared and pre-processed by the Wikivoyage-folks (who are, BTW, all volunteers and have done amazing work on this). So all the languages from wikivoyage-old.org were imported. We can't support additional case-by-case dump imports and pre-processing because the process is pretty complex and error-prone. Additional near-term tech effort we spend on Wikivoyage will be focused on fixing remaining site issues, of which there are quite a few.
So yeah, articles would have to be manually copied and attributed via template. :( But perhaps LangCom would make an exception to quickly approve blank wikis for languages where it seems likely that there's a viable community, so at least the incubator step could be skipped.
Hoi, How many original Wikivoyage projects exist that have not been automagically exported exist ?? With Portuguese as the example, it would make sense to have it started in its own wiki. The language committee has made an exception for existing projects. The Portuguese project exists and as such it can start there is nothing about what has been technically possible to export/import in this.
The only thing we expect is a previously existing project. It will be nice to have a list of languages that fit this bill. Thanks, Gerard
On 12 November 2012 04:57, Erik Moeller erik@wikimedia.org wrote:
On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 9:13 AM, Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton rodrigo.argenton@gmail.com wrote:
Soo... We need to restart de pt.wikivoyage.org? One of the biggest projects?????? This is true?? 2000 articles, importing by hand???
Hi Rodrigo,
we were only able to import languages from Wikivoyage where dumps were prepared and pre-processed by the Wikivoyage-folks (who are, BTW, all volunteers and have done amazing work on this). So all the languages from wikivoyage-old.org were imported. We can't support additional case-by-case dump imports and pre-processing because the process is pretty complex and error-prone. Additional near-term tech effort we spend on Wikivoyage will be focused on fixing remaining site issues, of which there are quite a few.
So yeah, articles would have to be manually copied and attributed via template. :( But perhaps LangCom would make an exception to quickly approve blank wikis for languages where it seems likely that there's a viable community, so at least the incubator step could be skipped.
Erik Möller VP of Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Foundation
Support Free Knowledge: https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Donate
Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
Hi folks,
the Wikivoyage e.V. got the xml files of more language versions, I think also for es, fi, hu, ja, pl, pt, ro and zh from user Wrh2.
I saw pt running. The initStats maintenance scripts for pt shows:
Counting total edits...77254 Counting number of articles...3109 Counting total pages...5873 Counting number of users...1770 Counting number of images...0 Counting total page views...1
But there were no users who helped us to check to contents.
I am also not sure if the databases are OK. Unfortunately I am not so much familar with databases to give a more detailed answer.
Yours Roland
Gerard Meijssen wrote:
Hoi, How many original Wikivoyage projects exist that have not been automagically exported exist ?? With Portuguese as the example, it would make sense to have it started in its own wiki. The language committee has made an exception for existing projects. The Portuguese project exists and as such it can start there is nothing about what has been technically possible to export/import in this.
The only thing we expect is a previously existing project. It will be nice to have a list of languages that fit this bill. Thanks, Gerard
On 12 November 2012 04:57, Erik Moeller erik@wikimedia.org wrote:
On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 9:13 AM, Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton rodrigo.argenton@gmail.com wrote:
Soo... We need to restart de pt.wikivoyage.org? One of the biggest projects?????? This is true?? 2000 articles, importing by hand???
Hi Rodrigo,
we were only able to import languages from Wikivoyage where dumps were prepared and pre-processed by the Wikivoyage-folks (who are, BTW, all volunteers and have done amazing work on this). So all the languages from wikivoyage-old.org were imported. We can't support additional case-by-case dump imports and pre-processing because the process is pretty complex and error-prone. Additional near-term tech effort we spend on Wikivoyage will be focused on fixing remaining site issues, of which there are quite a few.
So yeah, articles would have to be manually copied and attributed via template. :( But perhaps LangCom would make an exception to quickly approve blank wikis for languages where it seems likely that there's a viable community, so at least the incubator step could be skipped.
Erik Möller VP of Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Foundation
Support Free Knowledge: https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Donate
Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
Roland Unger, 12/11/2012 07:46:
Hi folks,
the Wikivoyage e.V. got the xml files of more language versions, I think also for es, fi, hu, ja, pl, pt, ro and zh from user Wrh2.
Where are they? Again, please publish them.
I saw pt running. The initStats maintenance scripts for pt shows:
Counting total edits...77254 Counting number of articles...3109 Counting total pages...5873 Counting number of users...1770 Counting number of images...0 Counting total page views...1
But there were no users who helped us to check to contents.
https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikivoyage/New_language_versions is now on Meta, by the way. https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/New_wikis_importers /might/ want to help doing the XML import, depending on how much pre-emptive cleanup is actually needed; you can try asking them.
2012/11/12 Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki@gmail.com
Roland Unger, 12/11/2012 07:46:
Hi folks,
the Wikivoyage e.V. got the xml files of more language versions, I think also for es, fi, hu, ja, pl, pt, ro and zh from user Wrh2.
Where are they? Again, please publish them.
I can only underline this. It would be quite necessary to know how many pages existed there and how active the project actually was (There is no reason for the language committee to make an exception for all these languages IN BULK if some have actually no current interest from users). The XML dumps can of course be imported to Incubator in the case that an own subdomain is not immediately created. Note that some pages for a wikivoyage in Spanish have already been started on Incubator, as well as this request/discussion: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Requests_for_new_languages/Wikivoyage_Spanis...
Besides, can these old wikis from which the xml files were taken still be accessed? At least it is not http://pt.wikivoyage-old.org/ .
But there were no users who helped us to check to contents.
https://meta.wikimedia.org/**wiki/Wikivoyage/New_language_**versionshttps://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikivoyage/New_language_versionsis now on Meta, by the way. https://meta.wikimedia.org/**wiki/New_wikis_importershttps://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/New_wikis_importers/might/ want to help doing the XML import, depending on how much pre-emptive cleanup is actually needed; you can try asking them.
Indeed ;-)
So you're telling me there's files, but you will not import because no one of the Portuguese speakers helped in the cleaning process? Then I'll have to start from scratch (something that already exists), denying the existence of a community and the previous project and I still have to go through various bureaucratic processes, so that maybe one day the project (that already exists) come into existence?
More than that, we have to manually import the WikiTravel, and as we have no import tool, we will not be able to bring together the history, so authorship is not properly credited, breaking the license, something which we can not do. Soon, we will have to find a way to give credit to those who wrote, or even write from scratch... so pretty...
I really wanted to understand the reason for not bringing all the languages of Wikitravel ... everything was under a free license, it would give a lot more work? More work than the work to make 2000 new articles in pt?
Tomorrow I restart the project, and maybe in 6 years it will come to have the 2000 articles again. For today I have to cancel activities for the next semester that could increase project visibility, after all it does not exist .
I know that Wikipedia is The priority, but for the love of god!
On 12 November 2012 15:33, MF-Warburg mfwarburg@googlemail.com wrote:
2012/11/12 Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki@gmail.com
Roland Unger, 12/11/2012 07:46:
Hi folks,
the Wikivoyage e.V. got the xml files of more language versions, I think also for es, fi, hu, ja, pl, pt, ro and zh from user Wrh2.
Where are they? Again, please publish them.
I can only underline this. It would be quite necessary to know how many pages existed there and how active the project actually was (There is no reason for the language committee to make an exception for all these languages IN BULK if some have actually no current interest from users). The XML dumps can of course be imported to Incubator in the case that an own subdomain is not immediately created. Note that some pages for a wikivoyage in Spanish have already been started on Incubator, as well as this request/discussion:
Besides, can these old wikis from which the xml files were taken still be accessed? At least it is not http://pt.wikivoyage-old.org/ .
But there were no users who helped us to check to contents.
https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikivoyage/New_language_versions%3Eis now on Meta, by the way.
https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/New_wikis_importers%3E/might/ want to help doing the XML import, depending on how much
pre-emptive cleanup is actually needed; you can try asking them.
Indeed ;-) _______________________________________________ Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 10:57 PM, Erik Moeller erik@wikimedia.org wrote:
we were only able to import languages from Wikivoyage where dumps were prepared and pre-processed by the Wikivoyage-folks (who are, BTW, all volunteers and have done amazing work on this). So all the languages from wikivoyage-old.org were imported.
To clarify: once more pre-processed dumps are available, they can be imported?
Thanks again for the amazing work on this. SJ
2012/11/12 Samuel Klein meta.sj@gmail.com:
On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 10:57 PM, Erik Moeller erik@wikimedia.org wrote:
we were only able to import languages from Wikivoyage where dumps were prepared and pre-processed by the Wikivoyage-folks (who are, BTW, all volunteers and have done amazing work on this). So all the languages from wikivoyage-old.org were imported.
To clarify: once more pre-processed dumps are available, they can be imported?
Another question: the spanish speaking community seems to be very interested in launching a spanish Wikivoyage, even from scratch. As you can see in http://incubator.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wy/es/P%C3%A1gina_principal, there are already some contributors (including myself) editing in the incubator. If there's a http://es.wikivoyage.org, this process would be easier. What do we need to upgrade from the incubator to the main site?
Hoi, The Portuguese Wikivoyage has been created. :) Thanks, GerardM
On 12 November 2012 22:31, Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton < rodrigo.argenton@gmail.com> wrote:
So you're telling me there's files, but you will not import because no one of the Portuguese speakers helped in the cleaning process? Then I'll have to start from scratch (something that already exists), denying the existence of a community and the previous project and I still have to go through various bureaucratic processes, so that maybe one day the project (that already exists) come into existence?
More than that, we have to manually import the WikiTravel, and as we have no import tool, we will not be able to bring together the history, so authorship is not properly credited, breaking the license, something which we can not do. Soon, we will have to find a way to give credit to those who wrote, or even write from scratch... so pretty...
I really wanted to understand the reason for not bringing all the languages of Wikitravel ... everything was under a free license, it would give a lot more work? More work than the work to make 2000 new articles in pt?
Tomorrow I restart the project, and maybe in 6 years it will come to have the 2000 articles again. For today I have to cancel activities for the next semester that could increase project visibility, after all it does not exist .
I know that Wikipedia is The priority, but for the love of god!
On 12 November 2012 15:33, MF-Warburg mfwarburg@googlemail.com wrote:
2012/11/12 Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki@gmail.com
Roland Unger, 12/11/2012 07:46:
Hi folks,
the Wikivoyage e.V. got the xml files of more language versions, I think also for es, fi, hu, ja, pl, pt, ro and zh from user Wrh2.
Where are they? Again, please publish them.
I can only underline this. It would be quite necessary to know how many pages existed there and how active the project actually was (There is no reason for the language committee to make an exception for all these languages IN BULK if some have actually no current interest from users). The XML dumps can of course be imported to Incubator in the case that an own subdomain is not immediately created. Note that some pages for a wikivoyage in Spanish have already been
on Incubator, as well as this request/discussion:
Besides, can these old wikis from which the xml files were taken still be accessed? At least it is not http://pt.wikivoyage-old.org/ .
But there were no users who helped us to check to contents.
https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikivoyage/New_language_versions%3Eis now on Meta, by the way.
https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/New_wikis_importers%3E/might/ want to help doing the XML import, depending on how much
pre-emptive cleanup is actually needed; you can try asking them.
Indeed ;-) _______________________________________________ Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
-- Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton rodrigo.argenton@gmail.com +55 11 97 97 18 884 _______________________________________________ Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
2013/1/3 Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen@gmail.com:
Hoi, The Portuguese Wikivoyage has been created. :) Thanks, GerardM
And also the Spanish Wikivoyage! http://es.wikivoyage.org/wiki/P%C3%A1gina_principal
Osmar Valdebenito G.
2013/1/3 Patricio Lorente patricio.lorente@gmail.com
2013/1/3 Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen@gmail.com:
Hoi, The Portuguese Wikivoyage has been created. :) Thanks, GerardM
And also the Spanish Wikivoyage! http://es.wikivoyage.org/wiki/P%C3%A1gina_principal
-- Patricio Lorente Blog: http://www.patriciolorente.com.ar Identi.ca // Twitter: @patriciolorente
Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
On Thu, 3 Jan 2013 18:02:32 -0300, Patricio Lorente wrote:
2013/1/3 Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen@gmail.com:
Hoi, The Portuguese Wikivoyage has been created. :) Thanks, GerardM
And also the Spanish Wikivoyage! http://es.wikivoyage.org/wiki/P%C3%A1gina_principal
This is great. I hope both projects will as soon as possible adopt the standard bot policy, so that David Crochet's bot could run interwikis. He was doing so far a great job on German and Russian Wikivoyage.
Cheers Yaroslav
Thank all, thanks awesome!!Hooray!!
On 3 January 2013 18:28, Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen@gmail.com wrote:
Hoi, The Portuguese Wikivoyage has been created. :) Thanks, GerardM
On 12 November 2012 22:31, Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton < rodrigo.argenton@gmail.com> wrote:
So you're telling me there's files, but you will not import because no
of the Portuguese speakers helped in the cleaning process? Then I'll have to start from scratch (something that already exists), denying the existence of a community and the previous project and I still have to go through various bureaucratic processes, so that maybe one day the project (that already exists) come into existence?
More than that, we have to manually import the WikiTravel, and as we have no import tool, we will not be able to bring together the history, so authorship is not properly credited, breaking the license, something which we can not
Soon, we will have to find a way to give credit to those who wrote, or
write from scratch... so pretty...
I really wanted to understand the reason for not bringing all the
of Wikitravel ... everything was under a free license, it would give a lot more work? More work than the work to make 2000 new articles in pt?
Tomorrow I restart the project, and maybe in 6 years it will come to have the 2000 articles again. For today I have to cancel activities for the
semester that could increase project visibility, after all it does not exist .
I know that Wikipedia is The priority, but for the love of god!
On 12 November 2012 15:33, MF-Warburg mfwarburg@googlemail.com wrote:
2012/11/12 Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki@gmail.com
Roland Unger, 12/11/2012 07:46:
Hi folks,
the Wikivoyage e.V. got the xml files of more language versions, I think also for es, fi, hu, ja, pl, pt, ro and zh from user Wrh2.
Where are they? Again, please publish them.
I can only underline this. It would be quite necessary to know how many pages existed there and how active the project actually was (There is
reason for the language committee to make an exception for all these languages IN BULK if some have actually no current interest from
The XML dumps can of course be imported to Incubator in the case that
own subdomain is not immediately created. Note that some pages for a wikivoyage in Spanish have already been
on Incubator, as well as this request/discussion:
Besides, can these old wikis from which the xml files were taken still
accessed? At least it is not http://pt.wikivoyage-old.org/ .
But there were no users who helped us to check to contents.
on Meta, by the way.
https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/New_wikis_importers%3E/might/ want to
doing the XML import, depending on how much
pre-emptive cleanup is actually needed; you can try asking them.
Indeed ;-) _______________________________________________ Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
-- Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton rodrigo.argenton@gmail.com +55 11 97 97 18 884 _______________________________________________ Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
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Awesome, Gerard!
Muito obrigada!
Happy new year and great guides to Portuguese speaking countries ;-)
On 3 January 2013 18:28, Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen@gmail.com wrote:
Hoi, The Portuguese Wikivoyage has been created. :) Thanks, GerardM
On 12 November 2012 22:31, Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton < rodrigo.argenton@gmail.com> wrote:
So you're telling me there's files, but you will not import because no
of the Portuguese speakers helped in the cleaning process? Then I'll have to start from scratch (something that already exists), denying the existence of a community and the previous project and I still have to go through various bureaucratic processes, so that maybe one day the project (that already exists) come into existence?
More than that, we have to manually import the WikiTravel, and as we have no import tool, we will not be able to bring together the history, so authorship is not properly credited, breaking the license, something which we can not
Soon, we will have to find a way to give credit to those who wrote, or
write from scratch... so pretty...
I really wanted to understand the reason for not bringing all the
of Wikitravel ... everything was under a free license, it would give a lot more work? More work than the work to make 2000 new articles in pt?
Tomorrow I restart the project, and maybe in 6 years it will come to have the 2000 articles again. For today I have to cancel activities for the
semester that could increase project visibility, after all it does not exist .
I know that Wikipedia is The priority, but for the love of god!
On 12 November 2012 15:33, MF-Warburg mfwarburg@googlemail.com wrote:
2012/11/12 Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki@gmail.com
Roland Unger, 12/11/2012 07:46:
Hi folks,
the Wikivoyage e.V. got the xml files of more language versions, I think also for es, fi, hu, ja, pl, pt, ro and zh from user Wrh2.
Where are they? Again, please publish them.
I can only underline this. It would be quite necessary to know how many pages existed there and how active the project actually was (There is
reason for the language committee to make an exception for all these languages IN BULK if some have actually no current interest from
The XML dumps can of course be imported to Incubator in the case that
own subdomain is not immediately created. Note that some pages for a wikivoyage in Spanish have already been
on Incubator, as well as this request/discussion:
Besides, can these old wikis from which the xml files were taken still
accessed? At least it is not http://pt.wikivoyage-old.org/ .
But there were no users who helped us to check to contents.
on Meta, by the way.
https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/New_wikis_importers%3E/might/ want to
doing the XML import, depending on how much
pre-emptive cleanup is actually needed; you can try asking them.
Indeed ;-) _______________________________________________ Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
-- Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton rodrigo.argenton@gmail.com +55 11 97 97 18 884 _______________________________________________ Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
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Hi, Gerard.
Thank you. I am sure there were people involved that worked hard to make it happen.
The community of Portuguese speakers for sure appreciate these efforts.
2013/1/3 Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen@gmail.com:
Hoi, The Portuguese Wikivoyage has been created. :) Thanks, GerardM
Hoi, I am only the bringer of the good news. I posted this because of the many words we spend on it. It is happily resolved. Thanks, GerardM
On 4 January 2013 00:01, Everton Zanella Alvarenga everton137@gmail.comwrote:
Hi, Gerard.
Thank you. I am sure there were people involved that worked hard to make it happen.
The community of Portuguese speakers for sure appreciate these efforts.
2013/1/3 Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen@gmail.com:
Hoi, The Portuguese Wikivoyage has been created. :) Thanks, GerardM
Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
Everyone forgot the assamese wikisource.
On 2013-01-03 19:37, "Gerard Meijssen" gerard.meijssen@gmail.com wrote:
Hoi, I am only the bringer of the good news. I posted this because of the many words we spend on it. It is happily resolved. Thanks, GerardM
On 4 January 2013 00:01, Everton Zanella Alvarenga everton137@gmail.comwrote:
Hi, Gerard.
Thank you. I am sure there were people involved that worked hard to make it happen.
The community of Portuguese speakers for sure appreciate these efforts.
2013/1/3 Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen@gmail.com:
Hoi, The Portuguese Wikivoyage has been created. :) Thanks, GerardM
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Hoi Etienne, Thank you for informing us about the Assamese Wikisource; it is live as well :) A great day :) Thanks, GerardM
On 4 January 2013 00:40, Etienne Beaule betienne@bellaliant.net wrote:
Everyone forgot the assamese wikisource.
On 2013-01-03 19:37, "Gerard Meijssen" gerard.meijssen@gmail.com wrote:
Hoi, I am only the bringer of the good news. I posted this because of the many words we spend on it. It is happily resolved. Thanks, GerardM
On 4 January 2013 00:01, Everton Zanella Alvarenga everton137@gmail.comwrote:
Hi, Gerard.
Thank you. I am sure there were people involved that worked hard to make it happen.
The community of Portuguese speakers for sure appreciate these efforts.
2013/1/3 Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen@gmail.com:
Hoi, The Portuguese Wikivoyage has been created. :) Thanks, GerardM
Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
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A warm welcome to the Spanish and Portuguese Wikivoyagers!
2013/1/4 Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen@gmail.com
Hoi Etienne, Thank you for informing us about the Assamese Wikisource; it is live as well :) A great day :) Thanks, GerardM
On 4 January 2013 00:40, Etienne Beaule betienne@bellaliant.net wrote:
Everyone forgot the assamese wikisource.
On 2013-01-03 19:37, "Gerard Meijssen" gerard.meijssen@gmail.com
Hoi, I am only the bringer of the good news. I posted this because of the
words we spend on it. It is happily resolved. Thanks, GerardM
On 4 January 2013 00:01, Everton Zanella Alvarenga everton137@gmail.comwrote:
Hi, Gerard.
Thank you. I am sure there were people involved that worked hard to make it happen.
The community of Portuguese speakers for sure appreciate these
2013/1/3 Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen@gmail.com:
Hoi, The Portuguese Wikivoyage has been created. :) Thanks, GerardM
Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
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Thank you,
The importation almost over, just missing the namespace Wikivoyage, now we have to start cleaning, and... when this page http://www.wikivoyage.org/ will be updated?
Do not think this wiki needs sysop could stay only with Stewards?
On 5 January 2013 05:31, Stefan Fussan derfussi@gmail.com wrote:
A warm welcome to the Spanish and Portuguese Wikivoyagers!
2013/1/4 Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen@gmail.com
Hoi Etienne, Thank you for informing us about the Assamese Wikisource; it is live as well :) A great day :) Thanks, GerardM
On 4 January 2013 00:40, Etienne Beaule betienne@bellaliant.net wrote:
Everyone forgot the assamese wikisource.
On 2013-01-03 19:37, "Gerard Meijssen" gerard.meijssen@gmail.com
Hoi, I am only the bringer of the good news. I posted this because of the
words we spend on it. It is happily resolved. Thanks, GerardM
On 4 January 2013 00:01, Everton Zanella Alvarenga everton137@gmail.comwrote:
Hi, Gerard.
Thank you. I am sure there were people involved that worked hard to make it happen.
The community of Portuguese speakers for sure appreciate these
2013/1/3 Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen@gmail.com:
Hoi, The Portuguese Wikivoyage has been created. :) Thanks, GerardM
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Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton, 05/01/2013 10:41:
Thank you,
The importation almost over, just missing the namespace Wikivoyage, now we have to start cleaning, and... when this page http://www.wikivoyage.org/ will be updated?
Edit it yourself at https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Www.wikivoyage.org_template/temp
I had never seen those pages, and also could not edit, seems too complex for me :P, but CBrown already did, thanks.
On 5 January 2013 10:08, Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki@gmail.com wrote:
Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton, 05/01/2013 10:41:
Thank you,
The importation almost over, just missing the namespace Wikivoyage, now we have to start cleaning, and... when this page http://www.wikivoyage.org/ will be updated?
Edit it yourself at https://meta.wikimedia.org/**wiki/Www.wikivoyage.org_* *template/temphttps://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Www.wikivoyage.org_template/temp
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