Dear Wikimedians, 

The 2023 edition of the Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos campaign [1] ended on the 31st of August 2023 and we are pleased to announce the results.

A total of 35,623 Wikipedia articles in 179 languages were improved with photo, audio and video files. About 345 users participated in the campaign from more than 25 countries and the following users emerged as top contributors in the campaign's three prize categories.

Category A (Top image users) 
    * 1st Prize: User:Nikolina Šepić (Serbia)
    * 2nd Prize: User:Aderiqueza (Nigeria)
    * 3rd Prize: User:Timzy D'Great (Nigeria)
Category B (Top audio user) 
    * Audio Prize: User:Tupungato (Poland)
Category C (Top video user) 
    * Video Prize: User:Mashkawat.ahsan (Bangladesh)

We congratulate the winners and thank them for their contributions to Wikimedia and for promoting the use of media files uploaded to Commons on Wikipedia articles. We also thank all participants, local organizers, members of the campaign’s international team and the jury for their contributions towards the successful completion of this project. 

Kind regards,


On behalf of the Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos Campaign Team.