We are in the same point, Alex. From time to time, someone develops a tool to make something with similar goals. But this tools are dispersed. How could the Product Team think in a way to gather and join all if this useful tools so we can find them onsite?

Best, Galder

2023(e)ko ira. 18(a) 18:02 erabiltzaileak hau idatzi du (Alex Stinson <astinson@wikimedia.org>):
Hi Anupamdutta73 and everyone, 

That's a great question, there are a lot of ways you could arrive at such a list: below I share a two part series of trainings that we ran as part of WikiForHumanRights and more work on the Campaign Programs team at the Foundation. 

In part 1, I look at simple tools similar to the one created by Amir:  I hope that you check out the video or slide deck

In particular, I want to highlight a tool from the Wikimedia Research Team that suggests "related articles" based on three different language agnostic models (similar links, similar words, and similar and read in similar reader sessions) : https://list-building.toolforge.org/ -- you can use this tool to find "similar" in the articles from the topic area, in order to create your own WikiProject of sorts. For example, if I am interested in working in something related to a topic without a WikiProject (let's say Sustainable Agriculture), this would be the query, that could then be shared in a list format on Pagepile or Petscan . You could then take this list, and prioritize by criteria like Amir highlights (i.e. interwikilinks) or Pageviews (see on Massviews), or any of the various flexibility you have with Petscan like article size. The tool can be started with either Wikidata or a Wikipedia article in any language.

In part 2, I highlight Petscan. Petscan has historically been the tool for discovering "related" topics, but is slightly harder to use than these simpler tools, you should definitely check out the training or slide deck. I am in the process of turning that training into something more flexible and useful than a 2 hour video. The challenge with Petscan is that it relies on previous human curation (categories and Wikidata), which means that if you are approaching a new topic, sometimes you can't get very good suggestions or it inherits the biases of previous editors.



On Mon, Sep 18, 2023 at 8:51 AM Anupam Dutta <anupamdutta73@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear All,

The idea is a great one.  But one major drawback is the drop-down menu....
With the list of articles getting fixed, many articles will be left out....
So there should be the option of writing the name of the article instead of selection.

While another option must be added to choose the "most important articles" of the region.



On Mon, 18 Sept 2023 at 13:35, Olushola Olaniyan <olaniyanshola15@gmail.com> wrote:

Thank you, Amir. This tool comes in handy and will be very helpful for the communities preparing for edit-a+thon.

Thanks a lot for this information.

On Sun, Sep 17, 2023, 9:31 PM Amir Sarabadani <ladsgroup@gmail.com> wrote:
TLDR: There is now a tool that gives you list of articles to improve or create based on WikiProjects of English Wikipedia. For example, articles of top importance in WikiProject Mathematics that are missing or short in Azeri Wikipedia: https://whattodo.toolforge.org/?lang=az&topic=Mathematics&importance=Top

(I'm sorry for spamming your mailboxes, but I couldn't find a place to bring this up that would be more fitting.)

This tool basically gets the list of articles of a given wikiproject of a given importance and tells you which ones are missing are below 10K bytes in the given target language.

For example:
  • For WikiProject Physics and target of Hungarian Wikipedia, you get [2] saying article of Speed is missing while existing in 79 wikis and article of Molekulapálya [3] is the shortest article of this importance with ~700 bytes.
  • For Wikiproject Poland and target of Dutch Wikipedia, you get [1] saying article of "Ignacy Mościcki" is missing in Dutch Wikipedia while existing in 38 other languages (and many more articles to create or improve)
  • For Wikiproject Computer Science and target of Vietnamese Wikipedia, you get [4] saying article of "Alonzo Church" exists in 50 wikipedias but not in Vietnamese Wikipedia (and more articles to create or improve in field of computer science)
  • and many more but you get the idea.
It is not perfect, for example the concept of importance and what articles belong to them is not perfect but it's better than nothing.

I find this useful in events and editathons where a newcomer asks "I'm interested in topic X what can I do?" and you can give them at least something to work on. Or for small or medium wikis to find gaps in their content in given topics.

Noting that there are more than 2,800 WikiProjects in English Wikipedia, the topics to pick are quite broad. From Olivia Roderigo [5] to Rome [6] to Soap Operas [7] to Trains [8]. Hope that'd be useful for you.

If anyone is feeling comfortable to help maintain or add features to it, please let me know. I wrote this in four or five hours, it's quite basic and more of a PoC of what it could become.

Amir (he/him)

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Alex Stinson 
Lead Program Strategist
Wikimedia Foundation
Twitter: @sadads

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