Dear all,

This year we, the innovation team at Wikimedia Deutschland and partners, are setting out on a journey to build a new format for the Wikimedia Movement, a safe space that will foster innovation and allow members of our community to experiment with and build new ideas for Free Knowledge. 

As a first step we asked all our stakeholders for input through a survey and interviews on the needs and challenges our Movement faces in innovating in Free Knowledge. We have now collected the research data and compiled some insightful problem statements – quite eye-opening!

Join us at our Open Innovation Café volume 2 to hear about what we have found and how we will use these insights in building a new innovation format for the Wikimedia Movement. Maybe some insights will also be helpful in your work as well?

Access the Zoom call through this link:

Meeting ID: 862 9764 1111 Passcode: 021114

Access the Zoom call through this link:

Meeting ID: 834 2596 7908 Passcode: 088627

Best wishes,

Lucia & Sissela

Wikimedia Deutschland