On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 5:18 AM, Lodewijk lodewijk@effeietsanders.orgwrote:
Hi SJ,
to boldly push my question again: do I understand from this correctly there was at this instance (in your opinion) no urgency
There is always some urgency to fix problems once a fix is identified - for instance, it was good to immediately get some of Bishakha's time back from administrative work. And we would have made other changes (such as no longer allowing non-recusal abstentions on votes, to match what Florida law recognizes) in practice immediately, even if we did not officially pass those bylaws changes.
But perhaps your question is misdirected: the issue of transparency is not related to urgency. The bylaws already require 10 days notice; we just need to make this public.
Let's take further discussion to the board manual talk page, to bring it closer to any procedural changes that get implemented.