Hello Everyone,

Today, in Lagos, Nigeria, a community of volunteer editors would be coming together to exchange resources, increase capacity and contribute to the general sum of knowledge available on open source through identified Wikimedia projects on topics that relate to African music and sounds - The Afrosounds Project.

Our commitment is to continuously recruit, train and increase capacity of volunteer editors towards bridging the knowledge gap as it concerns sharing information and correcting bias and misinformation to the global audience on content about sounds and music in Africa, covering topics, discussion and content from traditional elements of music to modern and contemporary concepts of sounds and its knowledge as it concerns Africa.

If this resonates with your interest and you would like to participate in this meetup/training virtually, please join us via the call link provided below:

The Afrosounds Meet-Up 2.0
Saturday, February 4 · 12:00pm – 2:00pm (GMT +1)
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/mgq-otzx-ogt

P.S: The time has been adjusted from 10AM (GMT +1) to 12PM (GMT +1) for virtual participants to join. Activities between 10am - 11am would be for physical participants.
Apologies for the disturbance in timing.

We would love to interact with you and learn how we can advance the contribution of African music knowledge to the free encyclopedia and its sister projects.

Please, register here to be a part of the community and enroll in the outreach dashboard here to join the contest campaign towards promoting the contribution of knowledge, prizes to be won.

Looking forward to interacting with you. 


The Afrosounds Team.