We better set a new criteria that board candidates for 2022 and 2023 must reside outside the 28th parallel north and 42nd meridian east.

Kind regards,

Butch Bustria

On Thu, 9 Sep 2021, 7:22 pm Mario Gómez, <mariogomwiki@gmail.com> wrote:
Fully agree with Mike.

Also, rather than focusing on how different voting schemes would have affected some candidates to be one position up or down, wider diversity and representativity could be achieved by just electing 8 seats from community elections.

On Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 7:47 PM Mike Peel <email@mikepeel.net> wrote:
I don't get these kinds of arguments.

I'm pretty much equally very active on enwiki + Wikidata + Commons -
which should I chose as my 'resident' project? Most bytes (Commons),
most edits (Wikidata), longest editing time (enwiki) - or something
else? Or language for that matter - most of my editing right now is

I've lived in UK + Brazil + Spain (islands - off the coast of Africa) -
am I global north or south?

I've worked with two small affiliates: Wikimedia UK (back when it was
founded), and Wiki Movimento Brasil - does that count as developed or

What happens to others that fall on both sides of these arbitrary lines?

P.S., huge congrats to Rosie, Victoria, Dariusz and Lorenzo, who I know
will do great jobs!

On 8/9/21 05:36:41, Anupam Dutta wrote:
> Congratulations to the winners and the participants also !
> Further to the ongoing discussions, my idea is as follows :
> In this Wikimedia land, a person is the resident of the project
> s/he/they have most contributed.... No arguments
> Now the person can chose to be a worker in 'n' number of projects.....
> The definition of worker must be clearly defined as per certain number
> of contributions made.....
> Below that you a tourist......
> In this way elections can have votes from residents and tourists....
> Anupamdutta73
> On Wed, Sep 8, 2021, 09:16 Butch Bustria <bustrias@gmail.com
> <mailto:bustrias@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Congratulations to the 4 winners.
>     I saw that the STV system unveiled how the 4th and 5th positions
>     (appears to be from a G7 country and a non G7 country) had switched.
>     I am interested to know from which sector/s or Wikimedia project
>     brought the switch of those two positions (starting from the 8th
>     iteration).
>     I also observed that I have no option to choose which wiki I will
>     represent. It appears that the system only allows which wiki I first
>     clicked the central notice link. I tried to go to the other projects
>     and vote, it allowed me to change my vote (still one eligible
>     ballot) but it did not change the project I will represent. I am
>     saying this because it would allow people reading the statistics
>     which project the eligible voter truly represents.
>     Despite all the consultations made prior to the elections to bring
>     the emerging communities/ global south to the board it had not
>     accurately painted the picture. I would personally suggest in the
>     future not all candidates vie for the same set of seats. So for
>     instance, there are 4 seats up for grabs, two seats must be reserved
>     for sector A and two seats for sector B. Candidates must select
>     which sector they represent and cannot be both. Then the whole
>     electorate votes for candidates for Sector A board seats and Sector
>     B board seats using the same STV system. Qualifications for Sector A
>     and Sector B seats shall be different and will be decided by the
>     board of trustees with consent from an advisory/ electoral
>     committee. I personally suggest developed communities (from big
>     chapters and wiki projects with large edit participation) and
>     emerging communities (small to medium sized affiliates and wiki
>     projects with medium to small edit participation).
>     Kind Regards,
>     Butch
>     On Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 5:52 AM Alice Wiegand <me.lyzzy@gmail.com
>     <mailto:me.lyzzy@gmail.com>> wrote:
>         Thanks, Jackie!
>         That is indeed different from what I understood and I’m glad
>         about the change :-)
>         Alice.
>>         Am 07.09.2021 um 23:42 schrieb Jackie Koerner
>>         <jkoerner-ctr@wikimedia.org <mailto:jkoerner-ctr@wikimedia.org>>:
>>         Hi Alice,
>>         Thanks for asking! The way we are intending "contended" is
>>         that it was the election everyone was waiting for. :) It was
>>         "pushed for" by the community for more than a year and now we
>>         gladly announce: it happened and here are the results!
>>         Best,
>>         Jackie
>>         On Tue, Sep 7, 2021 at 4:29 PM Alice Wiegand
>>         <me.lyzzy@gmail.com <mailto:me.lyzzy@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>             Hi all,
>>             congrats to the elected Board members. It’s great to see
>>             people stepping up and taking responsibility, especially
>>             in times where leadership is needed.
>>             Jackie, may I ask for some elaboration on the subject of
>>             this thread? You say „most contended … election“ and I
>>             wonder what that means. In my understanding this is a
>>             nuance of controversial and I don’t get the point where it
>>             is more controversial than any other election. Maybe it
>>             gets lost in translation, maybe it’s me not having the
>>             complete insight of what has been discussed.
>>             Alice.
>>>             Am 07.09.2021 um 20:10 schrieb Jackie Koerner
>>>             <jkoerner-ctr@wikimedia.org
>>>             <mailto:jkoerner-ctr@wikimedia.org>>:
>>>             /Translations can be found on Meta:
>>>             https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedi
>>>             <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedi>a_Foundation_elections/2021/2021-09-07/2021_Election_Results
>>>             <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections/2021/2021-09-07/2021_Election_Results>/
>>>             Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2021 Board
>>>             election. The Elections Committee has reviewed the votes
>>>             of the 2021 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees
>>>             election, organized to select four new trustees. A record
>>>             6,873 people from across 214 projects cast their valid
>>>             votes. The following four candidates received the most
>>>             support:
>>>             1.
>>>                 Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight
>>>             2.
>>>                 Victoria Doronina
>>>             3.
>>>                 Dariusz Jemielniak
>>>             4.
>>>                 Lorenzo Losa
>>>             Waiting for the Board’s appointment
>>>             While these candidates have been ranked through the
>>>             community vote, they are not yet appointed to the Board
>>>             of Trustees. They still need to pass a successful
>>>             background check and meet the qualifications outlined in
>>>             the Bylaws. This process can be longer depending on the
>>>             country of residence of the candidates. The Board has set
>>>             a tentative date to appoint new trustees at the end of
>>>             this month. The Board also has approved
>>>             <https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/thread/37IV7FRWIKM4YAK2WBTUTPJA7LKGOATI/#37IV7FRWIKM4YAK2WBTUTPJA7LKGOATI>a
>>>             short extension to the terms of the exiting trustees to
>>>             allow a smooth transition.
>>>             Thanks to all the candidates
>>>             Thanks to all candidates for their participation. They
>>>             achieved a record in the number of candidates and
>>>             regional diversity, with more than half of the 19
>>>             candidates from regions outside North America and Western
>>>             Europe. This election used Single Transferable Voting
>>>             <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections/Single_Transferable_Vote>for
>>>             the first time. This system does not indicate a number of
>>>             votes or percentage of support. Rather, it shows in which
>>>             round each candidate was eliminated. You can review the
>>>             full results on Meta-Wiki
>>>             <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections/2021/Results>,
>>>             which document the order in which the candidates were
>>>             mathematically eliminated.
>>>             Thanks to all the election volunteers
>>>             The Board of Trustees stressed
>>>             <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_Board_noticeboard/2021-04-15_Resolution_about_the_upcoming_Board_elections>the
>>>             importance of increasing diversity on the Board. Dozens
>>>             of volunteers supported by a team of multilingual
>>>             facilitators promoted the election in up to 61 languages.
>>>             They hosted many conversations about the Board election
>>>             in more than 50 languages and encouraged community
>>>             members to participate in all areas of the election.
>>>             Statistics
>>>             The 2021 Board of Trustees election broke new ground in
>>>             several areas. The Movement Strategy and Governance team
>>>             will publish a report with the most remarkable metrics
>>>             soon. In the meantime, some statistics
>>>             <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections/2021/Stats>can
>>>             be found on Meta-Wiki. Here you have some highlights.
>>>              *
>>>                 Participation increased by 1,753 voters over 2017.
>>>                 Overall turnout was 10.13%, 1.1 percentage points
>>>                 more than in 2017.
>>>              *
>>>                 The highest participation among wikis with at least 5
>>>                 eligible voters was seen on the Hausa and Igbo
>>>                 Wikipedias. Both wikis had a participation of 75% (6
>>>                 of 8 eligible voters). Other high participation
>>>                 numbers were seen on the Telugu, Nepalese, and
>>>                 Punjabi Wikipedias.
>>>              *
>>>                 The largest increase in participation among wikis
>>>                 with at least 50 eligible voters was the Catalan
>>>                 Wikipedia, on which 36.3% of eligible voters voted
>>>                 (28 percentage points higher than in 2017).
>>>              *
>>>                 There were 214 wikis represented in the election.
>>>                 This is determined by the wiki on which the account
>>>                 was originally created.
>>>              *
>>>                 A total of 74 wikis that did not participate in 2017
>>>                 produced voters in this election.
>>>              *
>>>                 A total of 226 wikis had at least one eligible voter
>>>                 but produced no voters. The largest electorate in
>>>                 this group was Cantonese Wikipedia, with 25 eligible
>>>                 voters.
>>>             In the upcoming days, an anonymized list of votes will be
>>>             released that will allow deeper inspection and
>>>             publication of more metrics.
>>>             2022 election
>>>             The next Board of Trustees election is planned to take
>>>             place in 2022. Interested community members can watch the
>>>             Wikimedia Foundation elections page for updates
>>>             <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections>.
>>>             Four community seats will be selected at that time. It is
>>>             not too early to consider and prepare for candidacy.
>>>             Community members may like to check out Candidate
>>>             Resources
>>>             <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections/Candidate_Resources>to
>>>             learn more about what to expect and how to prepare for
>>>             this role.
>>>             --
>>>             *Jackie Koerner*
>>>             /she/her
>>>             /
>>>             Facilitator, Movement Strategy and Governance
>>>             /English language communities and Meta-Wiki/
>>>             _______________________________________________
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>>>             https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines
>>>             <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines> and
>>>             https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
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>>>             Public archives at
>>>             https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/YNJNJETHYEO3JYUJUDIK3FPZVOUOUUEN/
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>>         *Jackie Koerner*
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>>         /
>>         Facilitator, Movement Strategy and Governance
>>         /English language communities and Meta-Wiki/
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>     --
>     Sincerely,
>     Roman Bustria Jr.
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