On Tue, 29 May 2012 13:23:25 +0100, Tom Morris wrote:
On 29 May 2012 13:08, Anthony wikimail@inbox.org wrote:
The difference is that Wikipedia is usable in the real world, whereas OSM, for the most part, is not.
Yes, TomTom is dying. But it's because of Google, not because of OSM.
I'd say OSM is beginning to be pretty usable in the real world. It's usable for a lot of things where there's not so much commercial interest in the map data...
From my personal experience: Twice per year I travel into middle-size towns of Russia, usually visiting several of then on a single trip. Google maps suck badly; Google's Russian counterpart, Yandex Maps, are better, but they suck as well; TomTom is nonexistent, and OSM had for all places I visited in 2010 (with one exception - for the record, this was the city of Tayga, Kemerovo Region in Siberia) reasonably good maps, often with reliable house numbering.
Cheers Yaroslav