Hello everyone

I wanted to promote the episode #9 of the Wiki Loves Women Inspiring Open podcast.
It features Helen Turvey, who is the Executive Director of the Shuttleworth Foundation.

For those who do not know anything about this Foundation, it is an organisation set up in January 2001 (am I the only one to be amazed by the amount of cool projects and cool orgs set up in January 2001 ?) to provide funding for people engaged in social change. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shuttleworth_Foundation. They use a fellowship model (rather than a more traditional grant system). Notable past and present fellows include Marcin Jakubowski (who develops the Open Source Ecology project), Rufus Pollock (co-founder of the Open Knowledge Foundation) and Mark Surman (now Executive Director of Mozilla Foundation).

In the podcast, Helen provides deep thoughts and super cool insights about philanthropy, which I think any person currently beneficiary of funding (or interesting into being) from the wikimedia ecosystem or seeking funding from non wikimedian grant makers, could be interested about.

Listen to her here :

Summary keywords : women, philanthropy, open, funding, organisation, inequity, administrative justice



The Wiki Loves Women team launched a podcast a few weeks ago.
We have released 10 episodes so far, with a frequency of two episodes per month.
All episodes are available on the usual podcast platforms, or may be accessed on Wiki Loves Women website with additional notes about each episode.

If you are interested to receive a brief message on your talk each time a new episode is published, please drop your name here : https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wiki_Loves_Women/Podcast#Subscribe



About Inspiring Open

Inspiring Open is a podcast series about women from Wiki Loves Women that celebrates the inspirational women whose careers and personal ethics intersect with the Open movement. Each episode features a dynamic woman from Africa who has pushed the boundaries of what it means to build communities and succeed as a collective. As a podcast series, it is available at anytime, anywhere to amplify the motivational stories of each guest, as spoken in their own voice. Listen to their personal journeys in conversation with host Betty Kankam-Boadu.

Join Inspiring Open as we raise the global visibility and profiles of women who are redefining and reclaiming the Open sector.

Be inspired • Be challenged • Be bold!

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