
Over the last 9 months the movement has really taken to the use of "zoom" style technology to hold and host events, I dont doubt they have been really productive in addressing the many needs of the community. 

One thing I have noticed is just how many of these notices are coming through now with some meetings taking place not once but multiple times to ensure everyone has access to them in their best time period.  

I know as volunteers we are able to pick and choose what we do, I also know we are placing a lot of pressure on affiliates to be upto date on all these events.  I raise a concern that perhaps we as a community are starting to over do these meetings and stretch volunteer resources to point of breaking or being overwhelmed.  I know that as WP20 approaches these meetings are going to accelerate and put greater demands on our limited resources.

I propose that the community has a quiet period from the 14 December to 5th January where we dont hold general meetings, webinars, cafes, and strategy discussions to give people time to refresh and focus on family.  Obviously some small group focused community meetings will be necessary as part of WP20 and other preparations so I'm not suggesting ruling out all meetings just asking that we remember that there is life outside of the movement we should be allowing people time to focus on as well.


Power of Diverse Collaboration
Sharing knowledge brings people together
Wikimania Bangkok 2021
hosted by ESEAP

Noongarpedia: https://incubator.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wp/nys/Main_Page
My print shop: https://www.redbubble.com/people/Gnangarra/shop?asc=u