Hello everyone,

I'm building an online encyclopedia using blog posts. I started this project in 2017 and so far there are 1,921 posts. To facilitate a basic level of consistency between posts, I use the information blogging guidelines.

List of posts: https://econanalysistools.blogspot.com/2017/04/econ-analysis-tools-blog-posts.html

I want to be clear that I believe Wikipedia is a very useful and awesome website. I support everything that the Wikimedia Foundation has done for sharing free knowledge.

I decided to make these blog posts instead of contributing to Wikipedia for a few reasons, but mostly because of autonomy and flexibility. Another reason is that Wikipedia articles are oriented towards getting longer, while I want to experiment with shorter collections and lists.

My goal is to find other encyclopedia writers who are interested in being part of an online network of connected encyclopedias. Please let me know if you want to get involved or have any feedback.


- Alex