Time correction: tomorrow's office hours are taking place at 18:00 UTC
The link to join is on meta. 

This is a reminder to come and join us tomorrow to hear and discuss about:
  • Some upcoming international women's day community efforts 
  • How to incorporate the Friendly Space Policy into your virtual events. 
See you tomorrow! 

On Mon, Feb 8, 2021 at 1:25 PM Rachel Farrand <rfarrand@wikimedia.org> wrote:

Hello everyone!

The Wikimedia Foundation Community Events Team will continue hosting monthly office hours for any community members who are interested. This is a place where movement event organizers can join and share ideas and lessons with each other for upcoming and past events. 

This iteration of the office hours will take place on February 11, 2021 at 19:00 UTC and will last for an hour. Find the link to join on meta or email me directly if you would like to be added to the ongoing calendar invite.

This months topics are:

  • Friendly Space Policy in a virtual context (Léa and Cornelius)
  • International Womensday and gender gap activities (Ceill)
  • Bring your own general questions and discussion 

You can find more information about upcoming officer hours and add your comments and questions here and on the talk page: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_Events_team/OfficeHours

Please pass this invite to others who may be interested in joining! We hope to see you there!

Rachel Farrand
Senior Program Officer 
Community Events Team 
Wikimedia Foundation 

Rachel Farrand
Senior Program Officer 
Community Events Team 
Wikimedia Foundation