As many of you know, Wikimania 2017 will take place in Montréal, Canada from 9–13 August.
If you cannot attend this year, there are still opportunities to follow along remotely. Keynote sessions will be livestreamed [1] and recorded throughout the conference on YouTube [2] and Facebook Live [3]. Additional recorded sessions will be posted on the conference notes page [6] when they become available. We are asking all speakers to designate a notetaker for their session, and to copy the template [8] for use in their session.
You can also follow @Wikimania [4] and the hashtag #wikimania [5] on Twitter. We will round up presentations and highlights for both Meta and our blog after the conference ends. [6] You can also search the full programme schedule. [7]
Please respond here or contact me directly with any questions or ideas to make this experience better for remote participants.
- Mel
[1] The Livestream schedule is here: https://wikimania2017.wikimedia.org/wiki/Livestreamed_keynotes
[2] YouTube livestream links: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK_cUZLMpibyRiIdp0uF-lQ
[3] Facebook links will be posted on the livestream schedule when available. The keynote talks will be livestreamed on the Wikipedia Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/wikipedia/
[4] https://twitter.com/Wikimania
[5] https://twitter.com/search?q=%23wikimania&src=tyah
[6] A full list of conference sessions is here: https://wikimania2017.wikimedia.org/wiki/All_Session_Notes Notes and presentations will be posted as they become available.
[7] Complete program schedule https://wikimania2017.wikimedia.org/wiki/Programme
[8] Notetaking template: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Wikimania2017-template