The purpose of a Wikipedia is to provide encyclopaedic knowledge to a public. The purpose of the Wikimedia projects is to share in the sum of all knowledge. What the Wikimedia organisation supports is the infrastructure for our public to share in the sum of all the knowledge available to us and enable our editing communities to expand on this.

We all have our role to play and it is not good to disparage others or to think that what we do is possible without the support of the whole of the Wikimedia movement. It is a bias and it is discriminatory in the essence of the word. We are not here to build an encyclopaedia, we are here to share in the sum of all knowledge in every language. We do it for our public and that is why we need an organisation that enables and supports us in achieving this. If I have one regret, it is that we do not have a marketing department. Its function is to understand what more we can do to share in the knowledge that we have. As we reach out widely, when we endeavour to fulfill our aim to the fullest, we will grow our Wikimedia editing communities and it will show in the distribution of the data that moves from our servers into the world.

On Fri, 9 Jul 2021 at 23:16, Dggenwp <dggenwp@gmail.com> wrote:
The projects are the route by  which content is added to Wikipedia. The purpose of Wikipedia is not to have an organisation—the purpose  is to have and distribute free content. Everything else is superstructure—everything except the individual volunteers and the projects. This superstructure can be important, but not essential — the volunteers are capable of organising themselves and maintaining the projects. The foundation by itself is capable of almost nothing, as it doesn’t add content. The chapters are of value, primarily in recruiting contributors—without that, they’d just be social clubs. 

The volunteers and the projects to which they add content are what matters. The three key functions of the organisation are maintaining MediaWiki  (but that’s a volunteer effort also) in raising the small amount of essential funding, and the critically important political work of supporting freedom of the internet and of speech more generally. But our influence for this is because people in the world use the content the volunteers add to the projects. The structure must be organised around them. We are here to build an encyclopaedia.

On Jul 7, 2021, at 12:59 AM, Željko Blaće <zblace@mi2.hr> wrote:

On Tuesday, July 6, 2021, Ciell Wikipedia <ciell.wikipedia@gmail.com> wrote:
Thank you Bill, I always find organisation charts very much enlightening, and have been missing something like it for the WMF for some time now.

I feel the same. We need much much more of diagramatic content and higher level of organizational understanding for all Wikimedia contributors. 

I think all the departments of the WMF-side are equal, right? For instance, legal has no higher 'status' then fundraising or research: employees are equals, just with a different function in the organisation.Therefore all the different departments should be presented in a horizontal line, not a vertical one, like in this one for example.

Kind of good point, but maybe scale (same size) is enough to represent equals, rather than direction/orientation? Not an expert.

.svg file export would be best 
for the posibility of translation 
within Wikimedia Commons ;-)

Best, Z.
Vriendelijke groet,

Op di 6 jul. 2021 om 01:03 schreef Bill Takatoshi <billtakatoshi@gmail.com>:
Earlier today I tried to predict what the WMF org chart will look
like, but I wasn't confident about my suggestion, so I created a new
email account, subscribed it to wikimedia-l, and tried to send from
there. I learned that new subscribers are moderated, which seems
sensible given the level of trolling and disruption, and have since
improved the prediction and become more confident about it. I have
since learned that HTML email with embedded email attachments aren't
allowed either, so, Moderators, please reject my earlier anonymous

This is what I predict the Wikimedia organizational chart will look
like in one year's time:


Please critique it! If you are running for the Board of Directors, I
am especially interested in your critique of this prediction.

Thank you!

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