2011/7/12 Samuel Klein meta.sj@gmail.com:
Andrea, I hear you suggesting that we need a different upload process for pdfs and other documents, wherein when you upload them there is a "digital document to paged wikitext" script that runs and generates an appropriate result, which can then be imported elsewhere on the projects as needed.
Yes, something like this. I mean, if we want, as Wikisource, to start collecting born-digital text we should think something that does the bulk work.
My point (working in an academic digital library and just seeing the amount of thesis, dissertation, articles passing by) is that if for people is a difficult, overcomplicated burden to upload a PDF in an institutional repository (5 minutes of their time, even less), how can we wikilibrarians think that they will come to us and upload and "curate" their text?
Right - these should be doable by different people. An ambassador to an institutional repository should be able to collect approving signatures and do a bulk upload him/herself.
Yep. We should discover if signature should be needed: maybe, we could even download them without telling anyone, if they use compatible licenses (CC-BY, CC-BY-SA: I'm not sure about Berlin decalration and such).
And if Wikisource (or Commons) would have an OAI-PMH extension, we could directly harvest from repositories, on a montlhy basis. (but as we all know this point still needs much work) :-)
-- Sam.
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