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Hi everyone,

Since joining the Wikimedia Foundation, I have tried to regularly send you updates here and elsewhere. I am mindful that this one arrives during a period of compounded challenges across the world with escalating wars, conflict, and climate reminding us each week that global volatility and uncertainty are on the rise. I hope you’ll read this message to the end to join me and Foundation leadership in conversations with each other at a time when I feel we need to pull closer together. 

How it started…

Two years ago this month, I began a listening and learning process to prepare for my official start at the Foundation. In individual conversations with nearly 300 people from 55 countries, as well as numerous community events, I asked questions about Wikimedia’s vision and mission, what we believed the world needed from us now, and what challenges we faced in achieving our goals. This led to five ‘puzzles’ that I believe continue to vex us. 

I observed at the time that the only topic with unanimous consensus was the urgent need for our work – which is true now more than ever before. As mis/disinformation grows, with polarization and conflict intensifying across societies globally, the Wikimedia projects remain committed to principles of open knowledge and neutrality. There is no doubt about the necessity and urgency of our contributions. 

The world needs us to succeed, and this resonates for me even more in the world we occupy today. While some areas of our community are focused on what is happening around us, I believe we still aren’t united enough against these and other common threats.

My conversations in 2021 were shaped by what volunteers thought about how to make all contributions count, how to make our multilingualism more of a superpower, and how to break the circular puzzle of managing centralised institutions to support decentralised projects. I especially valued reflections about how to close the gap between where we are and where we need to be in building infrastructure that is human-led, and strongly tech-enabled. 

How it’s going…

Since then, I have been primarily focused on the Wikimedia Foundation’s own performance and accountability – certainly to all of you, but also to our readers, donors, regulators, and partners. My self-assessment at the beginning of 2023 was that we were heading more in the right direction: the Foundation’s annual planning is being guided by movement strategy and attempting to be more responsive to volunteer needs, we have more than tripled the number of languages we communicate in with regions around the world, and we have re-centered product and technology priorities to better support a rapidly changing knowledge ecosystem. 

Annual goals should be defined clearly, and then delivered well. But our work requires longer time horizons than yearly planning – certainly to 2030, which I believe requires asking much harder questions about priorities, constraints, and trade-offs to pragmatically agree on what can be achieved in the next seven years with a slowing growth of resources and our current collaboration models. 

The question of time horizons is also leading me to ask whether Wikipedia will be a single-generation wonder or whether we know how to sustain Wikimedia for the generations still to come. Our mission calls for this work to continue in perpetuity, and some aspects of our projects have created digital imprints on the world that feel impossible to erase. But what does a multi-generational view of Wikimedia require of us, from now? I believe this is less about lofty statements than it is about working with deliberate intent on issues that will help bring a multi-generational view of our projects into clearer focus, now and into the future. 

Some (not all) of the big questions…

I am not sure how we should do this, and I hope to hear what you think (more on this below). For now, I have asked our Board of Trustees and Foundation leadership to set multi-year planning goals with three topics that feel like a useful place to start: 

(1) The first relates to how the financial model of Wikimedia advances our mission. Future projections indicate that, for a range of reasons, fundraising online and through banners may not continue to grow at the same rate as in past years. We have several long-term initiatives underway to help mitigate this risk and also diversify our revenue streams. 

We need a long-term financial model that matches our aspirations to our resources in order to implement plans effectively.

(2) The second topic is our product and technology priorities, which this year focus on the technology needs of Wikimedia contributors (ranging from those with extended rights, to newcomers, to institutional partners like GLAM organizations). This ranges from:  

(3) Finally, we are evaluating principles for defining the Foundation's core roles and responsibilities. As a movement that is built on the strength of crowdsourcing, what is the best division of labor to achieve our goals? This is intended to support movement charter deliberations, and also to directly identify challenges in our decision-making and governance structures: 

Of course this is not a comprehensive list of all the issues that need to be addressed. It is a starting point for key topics that I believe need a longer view. You will see in the next section that I am asking for your help in figuring out how we progress from here. 

Invite to Talking: 2024… 

Alongside learning about Wikimedia’s work in these last two years, I have also focused a lot of my energy on learning about our ways of working together. Fulfilling our mission calls for more human interactions, on- and off-wiki, that are designed to create more shared understanding, and hopefully grow trust. The return of in-person gatherings has been essential for a subset of our volunteers, providing spaces for reconnecting, recharging and working through difficult issues together in the same room. Foundation leadership has also been working harder to share organizational news and have individualized conversations on-wiki and in other digital forums. 

The goal is to put more effort and intentionality into communicating the right information, at the right time, and in the right way, even knowing that we can never meet everyone's expectations.

It is also important for us to talk to each other throughout the year – formally and informally. To support this, over the next few months I am asking our Trustees and my colleagues at the Wikimedia Foundation to join me in a different kind of listening tour: more of a two-way dialogue that is designed to listen intently to what is on your minds now, and to also share progress and ideas about our multi-year planning. 

We can spend time learning from each other in the context of: 

I hope you will decide to participate. You can sign up for on- and off-wiki options between October and February, including individual conversations with Trustees, me, and other Foundation leaders. These discussions are intended to improve deliberations at the Board’s strategic planning retreat next March, and a summary of what we heard will be shared with everyone in advance of March. 

The Wikimedia Foundation's value to listening and sharing with more curiosity will shape how we show up, and I hope everyone who is interested in participating will bring the same approach. 

As always, I welcome your feedback either on my talk page or emailing me directly at


Maryana Iskander

Wikimedia Foundation CEO