Delirium <> wrote:

Andrew Lih wrote:

>It is standard for Trustees to be compensated for travel to convene
>Board meetings, and this would be exactly that. This should not be
>construed to endorse the other things discussed recently, such as
>phone calls, broadband, etc. That should be decided with full careful
>However, having served on boards of other US-based nonprofits, paying
>expenses for convening Board of Trustees is a normal practice. I hope
>it can be agreed upon rather quickly that laying out this expense of
>less than 400 euros is money well spent.
I don't think it'd be money well-spent, and the fact that other US-based
nonprofits do not spend their money wisely (a well-known fact, that
occasionally results in some public outrage in specific egregious
instances) isn't really a good justification for it.

If I were to think of what we should spend money on that we're not
spending money on, there's a million things that are better options.
The immediate one is some sort of bounty system to pay for software
improvements or configuration improvements that are beyond the scope or
interest of the people doing our so-far-volunteer development work. As
someone mentioned on the wiki-tech list recently, throwing more hardware
at the problem isn't always the best solution, although we do also
undoubtedly need more hardware (and will need even more by the end of
the year).

So if we're going to start spending money on various things, I'd propose
the first thing we do with a spare 400 euro is identify four important
software changes that need to be made, and put bounties on 100 euro on
each of them.



In considering paying developers to stimulate them to work more, while covering our costs is seen by you as a complete loss of money with no good foreseeable justification, you are being plain rude to both Angela and I.

If we are to use our energy, our time and now even our personal money on this project, I think we can expect perhaps a little bit of politness, recognition and appreciation for the work we do.

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