Did you know that less than a third of the users who create an account on English Wikipedia make even *one* edit afterwards? Two-thirds of all new accounts never edit! Interestingly, this percentage vary very much from language version to language version.
Now, the question is not: "what can we do about it?" We know plenty of things that we *could* do. The question is this: "what are the easiest levers to push that increase the numbers?"
We have a couple of ideas (they are presented on the Outreach wiki, at http://outreach.wikimedia.org/wiki/Account_Creation_Improvement_Project), but we need your help! Here are three easy things that you can do:
1. Offer ideas 2. Sign up to help with the project 3. Spread the word. Do you know anybody who would want to be interested in helping out? Pass this message on.
Best wishes,