Isn't the amount of money spent in each region already public based on the fact of the budget approved in each grant? 

Concerning the overall possible budget to spend, I'm not sure that's that fixed to each region based on my time on the simpleAPG committee. 


On Wed, 9 Nov 2022 at 17:29, effe iets anders <> wrote:

Over the past year I've had the pleasure to serve on one of WIkimedia's regional funding committees. Together, these committees get to allocate several millions of grant funding on behalf of our movement. 

As I tried to have conversations about that, I noticed that the actual amounts that each committee is allowed to allocate in their region, is not published. I asked about this, and the response I get is that this is "internal information" and it might make things cluttered (I don't know if this is because the question got stuck in bureaucracy or because there is an actual concern for clutter - I do have to admit that the grants pages can be terribly confusing, but don't see how these numbers would change that). 

I believe that it is important for transparency reasons, if not essential, that we all know how much money in grants we are spending and will be spending over the years in the various regions. Is there a stronger reason to keep this information confidential/secret? 


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