Dear Samuel Klein (from the thread "Manavpreet Kaur's role in AffCom's issues"),

thank you for your opinion! I assure you that personal attack was not my intention! I would much rather to communicate about these affairs privately with Manavpreet when there was time. Unfortunately, I have recognized her in the MCDC too lately for private communication. And as she have clearly stated that she will not answer these questions, I have turn myself to her "boss" in AffCom. Unfortunately, there was too little time to even answer my questions by Mehman (because of how lately I would have send them), and so much less to forward his answers to public in case they would be interesting for MCDC voters. So I have considered that it is in public interest to know that between MCDC candidates is one that have a background in a committee manifesting at least several months long issues and refuses to answers the questions.
Similar situation happened during WMF BoT community elections several months ago. I have recognized too lately that Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight (as a then time AffCom's Chair) could potentially have her hand in the AffCom's issues (until that time I have just considered that she is "simply" one of several voting members, so her voice have rather small weight). She privately responded that she will not respond my (similar) questions, citing her NDA (what is to some extent understanable). Unfortunately I haven't that time proceeded the questions to the public. Hopefully the future investigation will shade a light to the truth of who / what is the real source of issues in AffCom, we could solve it / them and have a well working AffCom as a result, and both Manavpreet and Rosie (and other AffCom members who are now in "shade") could be publicly known for their real impact, rather than sparse information based on not-knowing because of AffCom's secretive nature.

In relation to your "chant" on Manavpreet: In December 2020 (when I have had a virtual meeting with her and other AffCom / WMF people) I would totally agree with you! I have recognized that she is very capable human, have broad experience and well skills. If I could, I would in the moment took her to a board of possible every organisation I have had my foot in! Really ;-)
That have changed in the course of 2021 when AffCom started to be secretive, was answering questions unclearly and avoiding them and progressive collaboration. Was these issues result of Mavavpreet? I really do not know! And if Manavpreet would candidate for MCDC, I wouldn't asked specifically her. I would just work o investigation of AffCom as a whole.
On the other side, if anyone else from AffCom would candidate for MCDC, I would asked him / her very similar questions. This is not personal. It is a combination of being in strong relation with a group with (structural?) issues and candidating for a very responsible role. And if Manavpreet would be elected, I ask Mehman again to respond to the questions, so we as a movement can know whom we have elected and what can we expect.

I hope that clarifies my intentions well ;-)

KuboF Hromoslav (Michal Matúšov)

po 25. 10. 2021 o 0:17 Michal Matúšov <> napísal(a):
Hi wikimedians, especially functionaries of affiliations!

If nothing substantial will change, in about 2 weeks I am going to start a formal investigation of possible AffCom's violations of Wikimedia Foundation Guiding Principles [1].

During last months and especially weeks I have noticed several issues about AffCom which showed up to hinder work and development of Wikimedia affiliations. While I have originally considered them to be exceptions, they have shown a consistent pattern through time indicating possible structural weakness. I have already asked AffCom non-publicly about some elements of them and AffCom's answers (respectively lack of them) for now show it to be higher probable that the issues are real and structural.

In order to make the investigation more efficient and productive I need your help! If you during last year experienced non-trivial issues with AffCom, especially if they hindered your affiliation (holding up your recognition with lack of reasonable communication, non-action to prevent violations of agreements, very slow work, communication of false information etc etc etc), please let me know personally (non-publicly, outside of the list) by email (possibly by sending email using Meta [2]). I much prefer if you are willing to accept that in case of investigation I could identify you and your affiliation. But as I understand that such identification could possibly make AffCom more prone to target its issues towards you and your affiliation, I accept to receive your evidence and make a reasonable effort to anonymize it (paraphrasing your words, getting the essence of the experience without specifics - or to not use it if it would be unreasonable to anonymize it). Please, write "AffCom investigation" (without parenthesis) in the title, so I can find it more easily! Many thanks!

Last, but urgent related affair:
As AffCom's Staff Liaison Manavpreet Kaur is currently a candidate for the very responsible role of Movement Charter Drafting Committee member, I have asked her about her involvement in AffCom's issues and the possibility for her to "import" the AffCom-like issues to the Movement Charter Drafting Committee [3] [4]. I am sorry for not starting this conversation publicly sooner! (I have checked the candidates too lately and also needed some time to prepare the message, as it must be very precise) I know that such information would be very interesting for many of you and would help you in your voting decision. (In a similar way I wanted to challenge Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight during her candidacy for community elected Board of Trustees seat several months ago, as she in that time was the AffCom's Chair. Unfortunately, I have too lately considered her possible role in AffCom's issues to be potentially significant. Sorry again!)


Best regards!
KuboF Hromoslav (Michal Matúšov)