HiSome comments here too.
While in general the points are important and relevant, the 7 and 8 continue to be based on a geographical separation that it's almost updated and is itself discriminatory.
If you base the discussion to the war between Europa and America vs remaining world or to White people Vs World, the culture will remain not neutral.
It makes more sense to speak about minorities in general as the point 10 stresses.
I am an example because I am white, male, European and middle age so I fit perfectly in the stereotype of majority but I am a Swiss Italian and I am a minority for Italian language and a minority for the Swiss people. Unfortunately my culture is at the edge to be considered of 'regional interest' and can be under several conditions of cancellation.
I think that old models based on a geographical separation are quite outdated.
Except European or North American cultures there are several and more serious situations of dominant cultures against minorities and it is happening in Brazil against local indigenous or in China or in Russia or Egypt against Copts to give some examples.
In all previous cases it's always a dominant culture against minorities and not necessarly European/North American Vs the World.
Kind regards