Dear Wikimedia Community Members, 

The Core Organizing Team (COT) [1]  is excited to take on organizing our first-ever virtual Wikimania! Many thanks to the Wikimania Steering Committee [2] for entrusting us with the task of bringing our community together and celebrating the movement.

This year marks Wikipedia’s 20th birthday [3], and the theme for the 2021 Wikimania will be centered around this fantastic milestone. We want to make this edition a celebration of all the humans that have made achieving it possible. 

As the COT, we find it important to keep you informed and involved throughout the process of organizing Wikimania 2021 and we would appreciate your great support.

We will be reaching out to the wider community for your input on various aspects to inform some of our decisions. To begin with, we would like to ask for your opinion on a few things;

What kind of entertainment options would you ideally like to see during a virtual Wikimania? Do you have any ideas for singers, dancers, or any suggestions for other types of entertainment?

Wikimania participants are distributed all over the world. What are some good ideas of swag/conference memorabilia for a virtual Wikimania?

Let us know your thoughts using this LimeSurvey link [4]. The survey will collect anonymous responses and will remain open until the 5th of May 2021. We are looking forward to hearing your ideas and suggestions, and will be sharing more with you as we move towards making a decision on these aspects for our virtual Wikimania!

Thanks and speak soon!

Winnie Kabintie (User:Ms_Kabintie), on behalf of the Wikimania 2021 Core Organizing Team 



