On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 9:43 AM, Strainu strainu10@gmail.com wrote:
2012/5/29 Anthony wikimail@inbox.org:
I just tried osmand. I can't even figure out how to put in an address. I then tried navfree usa.
You're limiting yourself to Android, which isn't very fair. Try to get hold of a Garmin device with OSM maps and see if that makes a difference. I suspect it will. (Garmin also has some GPS apps for iPhone, but not for Android. I have no idea if you can load OSM maps on those apps)
I'm not doubting that someone can take OSM data and make it into something usable. I'm not even doubting that someone *has* taken OSM data and made it into something usable.
But I think the analogy between being able to take OSM data, probably add a lot of your own data (espectially for the geolocation information, which is fantastic in some locations, and horrible in others), and being able to go to en.wikipedia.org and just use it, is a very weak analogy.