Hi Nathan,
Thanks for bringing up comparability. The paper points out that the historic development of the international office in the sampled cases is different from how the WMF was formed. This does not, in my view, preclude us from comparing systems.
I agree with Andreas that the central value of our movement is provided by volunteers, and they organize in affiliates. The WMF has many central functions, which is probably what you are referring to, including maintaining the platforms, fundraising, grantmaking, community development, advocacy, to name but a few. The sampled INGOs secretariats have a great variety of functions as well, but typically not including fundraising and grantmaking.
With 2030 Movement Strategy's drive toward decentralizing functions (incl. fundraising), those of us working on and contributing to the charter and policies should take good care at reviewing functions to see which ones are still appropriate and effective to be done by a central org, and which ones make more sense to do locally. Studying other global movements, in my view, makes a lot of sense here, especially if they have grown differently and gone through cycles of renewal and reform.
This is our moment of redesigning and re-forming.. So let's be open, and not restrict our view by insisting on our exceptionality.
Nikki Zeuner
Senior Advisor Global Partnerships
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