On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 9:36 AM, Anthony wikimail@inbox.org wrote:
Forwarding this from the CC-licenses list. The WMF should explore what impact, if any, one-way CC-BY-SA to GPL compatibility would have on WMF projects. Is anyone at the WMF talking to CC/FSF about this?
I've been paying attention to the license revision process since it began, trying to flag any issues I thought were relevant to us--and now I have just started working at Creative Commons as part of their legal team. I will definitely be thinking about the impact on WMF projects and trying to make sure people are aware of anything important!
Cheers, Kat
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Christopher Allan Webber cwebber@creativecommons.org Date: Thu, May 31, 2012 at 4:51 PM Subject: [cc-community] CC 4.0 and the GNU GPL To: cc-community@lists.ibiblio.org
Hi all... to revive a thread that's been quiet publicly (but not privately) for some time:
Brett Smith brett@fsf.org writes:
How receptive generally might be the FSF to working on GPL compatibility? (Is the case made for compatibility rationale compelling enough?)
Very receptive. Some of the toughest questions I deal with in my job pertain to license interactions in cases like you describe, where a piece of software is under the GPL and associated materials under another, often CC BY or CC BY-SA. Being able to simplify the answers to those questions would be very worthwhile.
There haven't been any updates on this in a while, but I wanted to inform that there is work being done to try and move this forward. Creative Commons and the Free Software Foundation (with the assistance of the Software Freedom Law Center as counsel) are working together and are doing our best to explore this as a serious possibility.
As license stewards of CC licenses and the GNU GPL respectively, we wanted to make clear that both Creative Commons and the Free Software Foundation think this is an important issue and worth persuing. Both of our organiztions agree that license interoperability, especially amongst copyleft licenses, is an important goal.
At the moment, the general plan is to try to explore both CC BY and CC BY-SA one-way compatibility with the GNU GPL, aiming for direct compatibility of terms (think Apache 2.0 and GNU GPL compatibility) with CC BY, and compatibility between CC BY-SA and the GNU GPL via optional relicensing (think MPL 2.0 and GNU GPL compatibility). We are still exploring possibilities, however.
Thanks for your interest, we will try to keep this conversation updated as we move along. - Chris _______________________________________________ List info and archives at http://lists.ibiblio.org/mailman/listinfo/cc-community Unsubscribe at http://lists.ibiblio.org/mailman/options/cc-community
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