I agree with the diagnosis, but maybe not with the solution. If Wikimedia is getting "overfunding" and doesn't quite know what to so with it, there's probably plenty of good things to do. We could start a community process to decide it, because as you say, reducing funding efforts or saving indefinitely for the future isn't likely to happen or even desirable, considering the alternatives.

Here are some ideas:

* Investing in clean energy sources for Wikimedia servers.
* Funding of external developers and libraries on which MediaWiki depends.
* Funding of open knowledge projects beyond Wikimedia, to not stray too far the original intentions of donors and volunteers.
* Funding of other non-knowledge altruistic projects (like buying land for a natural reserve). I'm sure the funding team could rethink and generalize the campaign to justify this use for future donations.

On Fri, Jun 17, 2022, 4:47 AM <tim.herb@gmx.de> wrote:
The question of you is important. The Wikimedia Foundation hired a lot of people in the last years and I do not see so big change in the output. It is a question that is from my point of view relevant for different areas at the Wikimedia Foundation. I dont support a too big focus on efficiency that needs a lot of metrics to measure and to create these metrics needs then a lot of staff. What is needed and what not is not easy to measure. With increasing available resources the staff will probably increase. This is an usual behaviour of humans that they try to use resources if available and do not only allocate them for the future or say no and try to reduce the needed resources if not neccessary. From my point of view the Wikimedia Foundation should reduce the Fundraising acitivities and try to reduce in the next years the yearly expenses or pay at least attention that they do not increase further. The salaries at the Wikimedia Foundation are currently from my point of view in relation to Germany based NGOs high. I think interesting documents to get an overview about the work of the Wikimedia Foundation are the quaterly tuning sessions.  https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Wikimedia_Foundation_tuning_sessions,_FY2021-22

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