On Nov 25, 2007 2:36 PM, Marc Riddell michaeldavid86@comcast.net wrote:
This is my second cry for help with this problem. Editing the English Wikipedia has become nearly impossible for me these days. On initial opening it can take as long as 45 seconds for the site to come on, and it can take another 30 seconds to change pages. On opening, the first thing to show is the outline of the donations box and nothing else. Then, after another 30 or so the page opens. This started happening after the donations box was added to the site. Is anyone else having this problem?
Marc Riddell
on 11/25/07 9:01 AM, Bryan Tong Minh at bryan.tongminh@gmail.com wrote:
I think the best thing to do is make a traceroute (tracert en.wikipedia.org) and contact the sysadmins on irc://irc.freenode.net/wikimedia-tech.
Thank you for your help, Bryan. I will try that.