On Jan 3, 2008 9:07 PM, Domas Mituzas midom.lists@gmail.com wrote:
Hello colleagues and shareholders (community :)!
Hi. Fabulous colleague-shareholder-report you have there; but could you fix the transition speed on your powerpoint slides? and the font in the footer...
Rob joining to help us with datacenter operations has allowed to have really nice turnarounds with pretty much every datacenter work - as volunteer remote hands became not available during critical moments anymore.
Is this a general trend -- remote hands not being available during critical moments -- or a chicken-and-egg issue with other elements (such as Rob being around)?
Oh, and look how tidy cabling is: http://flickr.com/photos/midom/2134991985/ !
== Networking ==
This has been mainly in capable Mark's and River's hands - where we underwent transition from hosting customer to internet service provider (or at least - equal peer to ISPs) ourselves. We have our independent autonomous systems both in Europe and US - allowing to pick best available connectivity options, resolve routing glitches, and get free traffic peering at internet exchanges. That provides quite lots of flexibility, of course, at the cost of more work and skills required.
This is cool; I had no idea. Is there a longer description of how it works?
< Though it would
be possible to reach out into multiple donated hosting places, that would just lead to slower service for our users, and someone would still have to pay for the bandwidth. As we are pushing nearly 4 Gbps of traffic, there're not much donors who wouldn't feel such traffic.
Any offers of support from multiple really big donated hosting places?
Of course, MediaWiki is still one of most actively developed web software - and here Brion and Tim lead the volunteers, as well, as spend their days and nights in the code.
Are there recent stats on the # of reusers, sites, contributors; mediawiki extension variants / repositories outside the main tree?
< Quite a lot of problems we hit are very
huge-site-specific, and even if other huge shops hit them, we're the ones that are always free to release our changes and fixes. Still, colleagues from other shops are willing to assist us too :)
Ditto for stats on # and quality of patches from colleagues from other shops. Is there a wall of huge-site-heroes for those who release their patches?
feeling stated, SJ