> Thank you for your support. I would like to again
invite all interested  
> parties (especially developers, but also writers,
photographers etc.) to  
> add themselves on the above page, so that we can
together move this  
> project forward after MediaWiki 1.3 has reached a
stable state. As the  
> above proposal states, I hope that we can also
implement single sign-on in  
> one fell swoop with the Commons itself, which would
be one important step  
> to bring the individual Wikimedia projects closer

>I am still willing to help and aid in this project.
>However, as things
>look now, the only help I can offer you is to
>discontinue any plans I
>myself have in this direction until you are ready.

>One time there was just the English Wikipedia, then
>other languages
>were made. I have the feeling that I'm like someone
>wanting to set
>up another language and getting the answer that it's
a >good idea, but
>that in half a year there will be a new software with
>language links
>and the possibility to have an interface adaptable to
>languages, and
>I just wait for that.

>It's not that I don't like your plans. I do. And when
>the time
>comes, I'll join in. For now I'll just count my
>losses. And wonder
>why you might succeed and I do not. Is it because you
>are a
>developer and I'm not? Because your plans are grand
>and mine
>down-to-earth? Because I'm not brazen enough? Anyway,
>I lost.

>Andre Engels

André. Pause réflexion. Un vrai leader évite de
perpétuellement marcher sur les pieds des autres. Il
leur laisse de la place pour s'exprimer, parfois même
il s'efface pour laisser les autres s'occuper d'un
projet qui leur tient à coeur. Il évite de créer des
rancoeurs :-) Enfin, juste ma triste opinion. ant
C'est bien de voir que tout au moins quelqu'un se souvient de la liste correcte pour discuter ces sujets. Est-ce que tous les autres oublient parce que en ce moment Jimbo ne reçoit pas les messages de cette liste-ci ?

--Michel Neige