Sustainability is so different for communities that have extensive quality road and rail networks, to others who live on Islands or are isolated thousands of miles from their nearest neighbours and other Wikimedian communities. Even the carbon footprint of getting our content to one person in Europe is going to be significantly different to that of getting it to someone in Tahiti, Patagonia,  or  Aleutian Islands.  

History is littered with people who underestimated how big Russia is, our communities are global. Decisions around sustainability  must ensure that we dont disconnect people from sharing the sum of all knowledge.


On Sun, 19 Dec 2021 at 19:38, rupert THURNER <> wrote:
cool think lukas,

the internatioinal energy agency publishes energy consumptoin erports from time to time, the last one i am aware of is here: . it says that data centers consume 1% of the global electricity. data transfer consume 1.4 % of the global electric energy. and, interesting, it says that information and communications tech firms account for 50% of the renewable energy purchase globally. i read that google used 12.4 tera watt hours, wikipedia servers consume 2 giga watt hours per year: as the data needs to be transported to clients reading it a rough guess would be another 3 giga watt hours per year is used by wikipedia readers. does wikimedia deutschland or the foundation really buy certificates to compensate for this 5 GWH electricity consumption?


On Sat, Dec 18, 2021 at 7:28 PM Lukas Mezger <> wrote:
Dear Wikimedia friends,

I am writing to introduce the Wikimedia Affiliates Environmental Sustainability Covenant, a cross-affiliate initiative aimed at reducing the environmental impact of the Wikimedia Movement.[1]

This initiative was born out of discussions about how to take action against the climate crisis between Wikimédia France and Wikimedia Deutschland, and is based on Movement Strategy Recommendation #1.8 ("[W]e will also align our practices to support the environmental sustainability of our planet.”).[2]

You can read the full text of the agreement on Meta.[1] In short, signatory Wikimedia affiliates commit to:
– reducing their carbon footprint
– improving sustainability topics on the Wikimedia projects
– supporting affiliates from regions most affected by the climate crisis
– sharing stories and encouraging others

Eight Wikimedia affiliates have already signed the agreement,[3] others are currently discussing it internally, and we are looking for more Wikimedia affiliates to join as well.

Over the past weeks, we (Bodhisattwa Mandal, Naphsica Papanicolaou, Nanour Garabedian, and I), have presented the initiative at a number of virtual Wikimedia gatherings and you can watch video recordings of our talks in English, French, German, and Arabic.[4] You can also find a public announcement on the Wikimédia France blog.[5]

Again, we are looking forward to hearing from more affiliates interested in joining this effort, and we are ready to answer any questions that you may have.
Kind regards, and happy holidays to everyone celebrating,

Lukas (User:Gnom)

[3] Wikimedians for Sustainable Development, West Bengal Wikimedians User Group, Wikimedia Deutschland, Wikimedia France, Wikimedia South Africa, Wikimedia Italia, Wikimedia UK, Wikimedians of Tamazight User Group

* WikiConference North America: (at 3:33:10)
* WikiConvention francophone 2021: (at 3:53:00)


Dr. Lukas Mezger
Vorsitzender des Präsidiums / chair of the Supervisory Board

Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin
Tel. (030) 219 158 260 – (0151) 268 63 931

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