Hey everyone, 

Here is a gentle reminder, we will have the Education office hours in about 3 hours at 14:30 UTC. Join us via this link:
Join Zoom Meeting https://wikimedia.zoom.us/j/92871527127?pwd=eVVKQVV4b0IyK1JBeUQ3bmlEcTVRUT09 Meeting ID: 928 7152 7127 Passcode: eduwiki

On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 6:11 PM Sailesh Patnaik <spatnaik@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Dear Wikimedians,

Just a gentle reminder, Wikimedia Education Office Hours is scheduled on 25th November (Wednesday) at 14:30 UTC. As the Community wishlist is live and is currently accepting applications, we would like to discuss this during office hours, also we encourage you to submit your proposals before 30th November. For more information: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Community_Wishlist_Survey_2021 

You can join the meeting then on zoom: https://wikimedia.zoom.us/j/92871527127


On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 2:47 PM Sailesh Patnaik <spatnaik@wikimedia.org> wrote:

Dear Wikimedians, 

Join the education team for this months' Education office hours on 25th November 2020 at 14:30 UTC! The office hours are a dedicated time and an online space to have conversations and discussions related to Wikimedia and education activities, listen and learn from each other's projects and experiences.

We will be providing some updates on Wikidata Education Week, and on some of our ongoing projects. If you are interested, join us! You can find more details to join the meeting here:


Looking forward to seeing you all then, Please let me know if you have any questions, also reach out to me if you want a calendar invitation for this meeting.

If you are using Wikimedia projects in education and want to share your work with the community, please submit an article in the education newsletter: https://outreach.wikimedia.org/wiki/Education/News/Newsroom Best!

Sailesh Patnaik
Wikimedia Foundation | Program Associate, Education
User:SPatnaik (WMF)

Sailesh Patnaik
Wikimedia Foundation | Program Associate, Education
User:SPatnaik (WMF)

Sailesh Patnaik
Wikimedia Foundation | Program Associate, Education
User:SPatnaik (WMF)