Wow, impressive. Thank you for sharing this.

Additionally, I'm very interested to translate this into Macedonian. Please share details about translation. 

This will be very helpful and useful for smaller wikis as we have many members with little knowledge into Wikidata.

Shared Knowledge 

On Wed, 21 Oct 2020, 21:59 Asaf Bartov, <> wrote:
Wow, what an excellent tutorial!  The detailed outline is really helpful for people who just want a reminder of syntax, and the embedded queries are great for trial and error.

I encourage everyone who hasn't yet learned how to query Wikidata to give this tool a try, and if you speak a language other than English or Hebrew, to contribute to translating this excellent resource!

Kudos to Wikimedia Israel for the initiative and execution!


Asaf Bartov (he/him/his)

Senior Program Officer, Emerging Wikimedia Communities

Wikimedia Foundation

Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!

On Wed, Oct 21, 2020 at 10:44 PM Revital Poleg <> wrote:
In 2019 Wikimedia Israel (WMIL) decided to develop instructional material for the Wikidata Query Service (WDQS). The background for this decision was that we see audiences to whom we introduce Wikidata become especially enthusiastic when we present the Wikidata query service tutorial , which offers quite a unique feature within the landscape of information services available today. This enthusiasm often dampens when audiences discover that querying is not done using natural language but rather requires learning SPARQL.

We believe learning SPARQL is not rocket science, even for audiences with no programming background. We created a step-by-step tutorial website to give users an introduction and some basic lessons on how to use the query service. While WDQS has a great Help section, this section might not be so helpful to users who are new to Wikimedia platforms. We therefore built the tutorial website on the WordPress platform which has a more familiar design to most users. We believe this website will make the WDQS more accessible, and hope this will be a way to expand Wikidata to new audiences. 
Currently the site is in English but we are open for collaborations to add the tutorial in other languages. 
We are also keen to hear feedback from those involved in Wikidata Outreach. 

We hope you'll find it useful.
All the Best
Revital Poleg
Executive Director, WMIL  

Revital Poleg

Executive Director, WMIL

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