Dear all,
I am pleased to announce that registration is now open for the
GLAM-WIKI 2012 conference, to be held at the British Library in London
on 14th - 16th September 2012.
The conference will feature two days of presentations and workshops,
with the Friday focused on the work Wikimedia and similar
organisations have done in partnership with cultural institutions,
presenting case studies and discussing the benefits to both parties.
The Saturday will be oriented more towards the practical and technical
side, looking at ways to work together and running workshops to share
best practice.
The third day, Sunday 16th, will be an unconference day, with the
focus and agenda determined by the attendees on the day.
We are currently taking proposals for talks, workshops and panel
sessions, on three broad themes:
* Open content in the GLAM sector
* Developing sustainable partnerships
* New models and future projects
The call for papers will close on 23rd July, and the schedule will be
announced on 30th July.
Registration is now open at: and
accomodation details will be released at a later date when hotel
arrangements are confirmed.
More details, and the call for papers, are at
If you have any questions, please contact glam(a)
- Andrew Gray
Dear all,
Dear activists for free knowledge in education,
since we are new to this list: first a "Hello" to all of you!
Throughout the last years Wikimedia Deutschland has gained a lot of
experience in the educational field. Working in this sector, we had a lot
of different programs and activities running quite separated and isolated.
In the last year we collected this know-how and combined these efforts.
Coming from this idea of separated programs, our perspective is now, to
follow a wider approach in education and to overcome the very specialized
approach we have followed before. This step was helpful for the development
of all running programs and the effective distribution of needed resources
in education at Wikimedia Deutschland (until the end of 2011, these were
highschool teachers/students, elderly people and universities). It makes
our work more efficient leveraging all synergies and helped us to be
accessable not only for special target groups but for all people!
We are only following this approach for a few months and many things are
new to us, but we are sure that other chapters and Wikipedians also have
similar success-stories to share in education. It would be very helpful to
exchange ideas and approaches between different partners in the wikimedia
movement active in the educational sector and get feedback to ideas
concerning educational activities.
A good opportunity to meet is the Wikimania 2012 in Washington.
Here we will offer a meeting table on Thursday July 12th called “Wikipedia
in education” where we can get together. See more and sign in
If you are not able to join this year’s Wikimania we are open to hear
feedback from you and to discuss questions and ideas. Let’s collaborate in
the educational global wikimedia movement!
We are looking forward to meeting some of you soon to share our knowledge.
Elly Köpf and Denis Barthel
(and sorry for crossposting)
i.A. Elly Köpf
Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. | Obentrautstraße 72 | 10963 Berlin
Tel. (030) 219 158 260
Stellen Sie sich eine Welt vor, in der jeder Mensch freien Zugang zu der
Gesamtheit des Wissens der Menschheit hat. Helfen Sie uns dabei!
Helfen Sie mit, dass WIKIPEDIA von der UNESCO als erstes digitales
Weltkulturerbe anerkannt wird. Unterzeichnen Sie die Online-Petition:
Wikimedia Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e.V.
Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg unter
der Nummer 23855 B. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das Finanzamt für
Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/681/51985.
Here's an opinion piece, "The Problem with Wikidata", by Mark Graham, who
"is a Research Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute," which appears on
The Atlantic's website. I'm not personally supporting or opposing his views
but I found this to be an interesting read.…
Wikimedia France is very happy to announce a great new project :
A partnership has been formalized on last Friday between Wikimédia France,
the Institut Français
<>(the network of
the french cultural institutes in the world) and the Agence
Universitaire de la
of Universities of the Francophonie) to support a common
program about the development of Wikipedia in French-speaking Africa: this
project is called "Afripedia".
Afripedia is a project to support the "digital development" of Africa.
While the most part of the contributions and contributors on Wikipedia are
from the North, we want to make easier the offline reading of Wikipedia and
the production of content about Africa and made by African contributors.
The project entails projected workshops to help use the encyclopedia and
produce content on the Wikimedia projects.
Based on the offline technologies developped by
Kiwix<>(and helped by
Kiwix), the project will involve several phases:
1/ software development to produce offline versions of Wikipedia (and
probably other Wikimedia projects like Wiktionary) regularly and easily,
and then a download solution to get these offline versions easier, with no
technical ability needed.
2/ Installation of these offline versions on flash drives, plugged on
little computers extremely energy-efficient, without screen or keyboard.
The computer spreads the content of the flash drive (=Wikipedia) with a
wireless connection without internet (the content of the flash drive is
available just by connecting to this wifi) [see [[Plug
3/ Installation of the computers and flash drives and training of students
and professors on the "Digital campus of Francophonie", a network of
digital points supported by the Association of Universities of the
Francophonie, to support the dissemination of Wikipedia content without the
issues of irregular access to internet. One plug (with or without repeater)
can provide Wikipedia for dozens of students !
4/ Training in contribution on Wikipedia (in French and local languages)
5/ After a first implementation (autumn 2012) in 20 points in 15 countries
of West Africa, we will assess the project and extend it over a larger
scale for 2013, if the results are good.
As it is one of our missions, we consider producing free knowledge in
French and in local languages and making it accesible in territories
developping access to digital technology but having no active Wikimedia
community yet, to be essential. So we will also support the forming of
contributors communities in these countries.
See also (in french)
The Institut Français is the operator for the French Ministry of Foreign
Affairs in charge of the cultural action in foreign countries. Through its
French Language Department, the Institut Français works towards the
attractivity and spreading of French language across the world. It
particularly takes care of the development of the teaching of French
language and culture in secondary school and in universities.
The Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (Association of Universities of
the Francophonie) groups 786 higher education and research institutions
from 98 countries on the five continents, using French language as a
language for teaching and research. Its mission is to contribute to the
solidarity between French-speaking higher education establishments and to
the development of a scientific arena in French, respecting the cultures
and languages diversity.
Adrienne Charmet-Alix
Directrice des programmes - Wikimedia France
Twitter : @AdrienneAlix
adrienne.alix(a) |
Someone sent this to me earlier this week. It's a ten-minute cartoon video
that discusses purpose and motivation. The video lightly touches on
technical projects such as Wikipedia, Apache, and Linux and focuses on the
research into why people spend their free time on such projects.
I imagine some people on this list have already seen this, but it's new to
me and I thought I'd send it along in case others found it interesting.
Just a reminder that this will be happening in a few minutes.
From: Rob Schnautz
Subject: Office hour: Wikipedia Education Program
The Wikimedia Foundation staff for the Wikipedia Education Program (Frank Schulenburg, Annie Lin, LiAnna Davis, Jami Mathewson, and I) will be hosting a scheduled public office hour in the #wikimedia-office IRC channel.
Date: Thursday, 21 June 2012
Time: 16:00 – 17:00 UTC (noon-1 p.m. EDT, 9-10 a.m. PDT) (click here for local time)
Topic: Wikipedia Education Program
This will be a general question and answer session. We have several exciting new developments coming up: a transition from staff-led programs to volunteer-led programs in North America, and a new piece of software for Wikipedia that will help us manage the program better. We also are happy to answer general questions you may have about the program.
If you have questions or concerns about the programs, or are simply curious, this is a great opportunity to gain better insight into these programs. If you are unable to attend, a link to the chat log will be posted at for public viewing following the session.
Details on how to join the session are included below. We look forward to chatting with you!
Rob Schnautz
Online Communications Contractor
Global Development
Wikimedia Foundation
If you haven't used IRC before, it may be easiest to use a web client; this means you don't have to install any software on your computer. Just click here to join in, and then choose a username when prompted: You may be prompted to click through a security warning. It's fine.
For more information about IRC software you can install on your computer, go to the Wikipedia entry on IRC or the Meta page on Wikimedia IRC. If using dedicated software, connect to the channel #wikimedia-officeconnect on the freenode network.
Forwarding good news via the India list. SJ
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Arjuna Rao Chavala <arjunaraoc(a)>
Date: Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 7:50 AM
Subject: [Wikimediaindia-l] Wikimapia switches to CC-BY-SA
To: "Discussion list on Indian language projects of Wikimedia."
Check out:
A welcome change!
Hope this will increase the quality of maps in Wiki Projects.
Wikimediaindia-l mailing list
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Samuel Klein w:user:sj +1 617 529 4266
References: <CAHRTtW_LoeHFcPb6vUmw7BwOqJECuvSR1-gqNWcC7kmZ=NFCHA(a)>
In-Reply-To: <CAHRTtW_LoeHFcPb6vUmw7BwOqJECuvSR1-gqNWcC7kmZ=NFCHA(a)>
> Andreas Kolbe
> As Seth Finkelstein pointed out the other day, there is opposition to
> pornography both from the right, on a family values basis, and from the
> left, from feminists countering male bias. These are quite separate, but
> equally valid concerns.
Thanks for the mention. It's good to know that someone, somewhere,
reads what I write. But, just to clarify, let me stress I was being
merely *descriptive* there, rather than *prescriptive*. The context was
I had suggested that the Wikipedia _Signpost_ cover Larry Sanger's
recent material. Someone replied mentioning the antiporn-feminist view
(and opposing it). This originated from a gendergap list discussion,
but I didn't know that at the time, and so I was confused about why
Larry Sanger was being taken to be making those types of objections.
Hence I replied:…
"I don't think Sanger is making any sort of (my gloss)
"gender feminist" critique, but rather taking the standard
(again, simplifying) "family values" type position. While someone
involved in the topic might have such a view, and certainly there have
been alliances of convenience, I don't see it as being a part of what
he wrote in specific and what's he's attempting to do (except again as
an alliance). He probably would object to the following
characterization, but I'd say he's taking the older right-wing
anti-porn stance, rather than the newer left-wing anti-porn stance."
This was not meant as my endorsing both sides. It was more along
the lines of Tom Lehrer's song "National Brotherhood Week":
"Oh, the Protestants hate the Catholics
And the Catholics hate the Protestants
And the Hindus hate the Muslims
And everybody hates the Jews"
As in:
"Oh, the Fundamentalists hate the Feminists
And the Feminists hate the Fundamentalists
And the Wingnuts hate the Moonbats
And everybody hates the porn"
There's many different issues which get lumped together. I do think
Larry Sanger raises *some* valid points, and it bothers me immensely
when he gets treated in the style of kill-the-apostate. But I don't
agree with everything he says or tries to do, and I feel I need to
repeatedly made that clear, since I get flack from some people who
want to use me as an available scapegoat for their dislike of critics.
Metaphorically, I've shed a lot of my blood in defense of
civil-liberties on the Internet (my regret over how this harmed my
life sometimes discomfits people). Anyway, these days, I don't feel
any desire to argue ideological pornography theories (it's not going
to matter here anyway). But I'm interested in how this all turns out
in terms of the various factions at odds with each other.
Seth Finkelstein Consulting Programmer
Infothought blog -