Sorry if this has been discussed before, or the place would be better
on meta (in which case could someone post there and/or gimme the
appropriate url? :)
Here's a (rough) proposal for managing different language of pages,
heavily based on [[m:Translation requests]].
When someone creates a new page (not translate an existing one), s/he
creates two pages like that:
* My page (title in original language)
* My page/<language code>
In the first page, put link the 2nd, stating that's the original
language. Then fill in 2nd. Maybe put timestamps of last change on 1st
so easy to check when original changed.
When someone translates ''My page'' to language xx, do translation in
[[My page/xx]], and link from [[My page]].
When writing another page that links to ''My page'', try to link to
[[My page/xx]]. If nothing, link to [[My page]] - it'll make people
want to translate ''My page'', and point the page does exist - though
not (yet) in language you'd want.
If you want to link to a page you know doesn't exist, just link to
[[Future page]], without /. This way, when [[Future page]] does get
created, ''what links here'' will tell us which links need to be fixed
to correct language.
I hope it's clear lol.
The benefits i see are:
* when translating another document, easy to know which articles are
translations of articles - either [[link/<my language>]], and if red
[[link]] (assuming original link is not broken)
* each page have a ''disambiguation''-like page, to link all versions
and not forget a page here & there :)
* you won't have someone translate [[Board]] to [[Conseil
d'administration]] and someone else to [[Board/fr]], and thus don't
need to check broken links or duplicates and whatever
* software could prolly (though developers will know better'an me ;p)
be tweaked to check for [[article/<browser language>]] when someone
asks for [[article]], and fallback on latter if not found - thus one
day we can link straight to [[article]]
On the bad side:
* page title is always ''original language'' title, whatever the
language the page actually is
Nicolas 'Ryo'