Dear Affiliates of the Environmental Sustainability Covenant,


I am writing to you an behalf of Wikimedia Switzerland as the chapter has just recently signed the agreement.


The Swiss chapter is now taking the necessary steps to implement what was agreed on in the covenant. To be able to reduce our carbon footprint, we therefore first want to measure it and consider getting an external consultant to do this.


As a consequence we are interested in how the other Affiliates have progressed in this matter. 


Here are a few questions on this matter:

  1. Did you succeed in measuring your carbon foot print? If so, was the process done by an external consultant or by someone else?
  2. Did you decide to evaluate your starting situation in a different manner?

  1. Did you gather data on the carbon footprint (or sustainability in your chapter more generally) by using qualitative or quantitative methods?

  2. Have you given up the carbon footprint calculation for another method? If so, what was your first step in this “sustainability journey”?


We would welcome and appreciate an exchange of information on what has already been done in this regard and on what is planned for the future in order to work more sustainably and environmental friendly.


Best wishes,

Clara Wiest
Operations and Development Officer || Wikimedia CH
+41 78 248 50 05