I am Mahendra, I can help you with Technical and IT related things.


On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Noopur <noopur.raval@gmail.com> wrote:
I am Noopur and I can help with press and media coordination, promotion and volunteering of any other kind.

On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 10:28 PM, <wheredevelsdare@hotmail.com> wrote:
Cross posting on India/Mumbai/Pune mailing lists

Just to follow up on the minutes of Mumbai X - we would like to invite members of the national wikicommunity to come and support WikiConference 2011, Mumbai/Pune.

It was felt important that to move forward we need an Event Organising Committee (OC) for the WikiConference and sub-committee members. Kindly note we are not looking for people who just lend their names but people who will actually come forward and put in time and effort in the entire 6 month preceding period.

Sub-Committees suggested:

Conference Programming  (Includes Themes, Tracks, Keynote Speakers and Scheduling)
Deciding the direction this meet should take.

Finance (Includes both budgeting, raising finances and scholarships)
People who are either qualified or have experience preferred. Handling finance of such an event

Conference Venue and Catering
Coordination of venue and catering booking to helping things move on the floor during the event

Major Events (Attendee Party/Mega Event)
Undertaking responsibility of any major events other than actual conference

Press and Media coordination
Deciding on a path for media promotion of event, giving interviews, inviting media and taking care of them during the event

Accommodation and Registration
Reserving the accommodation, picking people up and making sure they find their accommodation, registering people on the event day.

Promotion and Advertisement
There will be a promotion budget which will have to be judiciously used for maximum benefit - again person with experience or qualification preferred.

Technical and IT
Running the event site, setting up wifi and other electronic goods, webcast of the event online for those who cannot make it in person

On ground. Running around during the event

Whoever is interested in being on the OC or any of the sub-committees, kindly write to the Mumbai list (wikimedia-in-mum@lists.wikimedia.org).

Kind Regards,

Wikimediaindia-l mailing list

Noopur Raval
Arts and Aesthetics
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Ph: 9650567690

Wikimedia-IN-PUN mailing list