Hello all,

I had set the mail receipt to digest mode and I don't seem to be getting emails from the Pune list. I read it online in the list archives. Will figure it out.

I have created a page for the meetup here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Meetup/Pune/Pune24

I'd love to hear suggestions for where we can meetup in Pune. 

Let's go with evening of Saturday, January 11, 2020 for the meetup? Maybe 6 pm or so?

Pradeep Mohandas

On Mon, 9 Dec 2019 at 10:39, Pradeep Mohandas <pradeep.mohandas@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello all,

I was a Wikipedian in Mumbai who moved to Pune this year. I was wondering if we could have a meetup in Pune - if not in the month of December then for the Wikipedia birthday on January 12 (Sunday). I am taking the initiative as I did not see any meetups planned.

Please do let me know what you think?


Pradeep Mohandas