Dear Friends,

We invite you to participate in following two activities organized by the Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay, during the TechFest, to be held between 6-8 January, 2012, at IIT Bombay Campus.

Spoken Tutorial Competition

Participate in the Spoken Tutorial Competition and help to Bridge the Digital Divide!  Also, get a chance to win attractive prizes like Aakash, cash prizes and many more.

Spoken Tutorial based Education and Learning through Free FOSS SELF Study Workshops

Learn a few free and open source software in just 2 hours!  Participate in the Spoken Tutorial based workshops on any of the following: LaTeX, Scilab, Linux, Python, PHP/MySQL.

Please visit following link for more details.

Spoken Tutorial: Spoken Tutorial is a recording of a computer activity with a screen-cast along with a running commentary.  Spoken Tutorials explain the steps involved in carrying out any screen-based activity such as using the features of some software.

About the Spoken Tutorial Project: The Spoken Tutorial project is the initiative of the "Talk to a Teacher" project, funded by the National Mission on Education through Information Communication through Technology, launched by MHRD, Govt of India. For more information, please visit:

Thanks & Regards

Shahid Farooqui
Research Fellow
Spoken Tutorial & Scilab Project
IIT Bombay