
For interested women editors and contributors from Mumbai.

warm regards,
Pradeep Mohandas

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Noopur <noopur.raval@gmail.com>
Date: 19 December 2011 20:27
Subject: [Wikimediaindia-l] Pre-announcement for Wikiwomen camp/conference in Argentina
To: Wikimedia India Community list <wikimediaindia-l@lists.wikimedia.org>

Dear all,
Just keeping you posted if you haven't seen the IRC log yet. A couple of women Wikipedians from Australia and Argentina chapters have been planning a Wikiwomen camp and conference in Argentina sometime in May, 2012. I know it's far away and probably the official announcement will happen sometime end of this month but I thought it's wise to keep you posted so that you can keep your respective Indic language women editors in loop. 
Those who might be interested in participating will have to apply for a WMF participation grant I guess and they might want to join the discussion on the other list to add Indian inputs. One part of the event (Camp) encourages women's participation only while the other invites all to contribute. Please do spread the word and encourage our Wikichix to participate too :) Drop me a mail if you want to join that mailing list. 

Noopur Raval
Arts and Aesthetics
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Ph: 9650567690

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Pradeep Mohandas
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