It is best we choose a particular day for the meetup. London has it second Sunday of every month, Pune has them second Saturday of every month. I feel its best to keep it on a Saturday evening as people are normally working during the week (some on Saturday as well) while Sundays they are busy with family. We could keep it at say 5pm so everyone is free for any late evening plans.

18th was the 3rd Saturday (last meet - for GLAM) of June. Is everyone alright with fixing the 3rd Saturday of every month, 5pm as a time?

If the place is an educational institution or non-profit its fantastic else we can look at Cafe's (London has it in a pub on Sunday morning - with optional brunch).

Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2011 16:52:27 +0530
Subject: [Wikimedia-in-mum] Selecting a venue for the July 2011 Mumbai Wikimedia meetup


We are looking out for a venue for July 2011 Wikimedia meetup. i.e. for July 9, 2011.

We're looking for the following:

1. space should be free
2. space should be in an easily accessible location via rail or road.
3. having a computer lab or access to computer with an internet connection would be a great plus.
4. should be publicly accessible space. 

Please post suggestions to the list and not to me personally. We hope to similarly decide on the venue for the next meetup. We'd also like to have your opinion on having a fixed date for the Wikimedia meetups. 

We'd like your inputs on:
1. A suitable location for the Wikimedia meetup for July
2. A suitable fixed time when we can do meetups. eg. second Saturday/Sunday of every month. 

warm regards,

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