apologies, I had not made all the changes to the bangalore mail.  needless to say, will correct before sending.

Hisham Mundol

skype: hisham.wikimedia

twitter: @mundol

On May 12, 2011, at 1:40 PM, Srikanth Lakshmanan wrote:

Correction to the below mail.

The Hyderabad meetup is on May 15th 5 pm. Meetup page is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:MHB4 (Wish we too have 33 meetups over the next one year :) )


On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 13:34, Hisham Mundol <hmundol@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Hi Folks

As you are aware, we have launched a Campus Program in Pune.  We invited applications for Campus Ambassadors from Pune - but got responses from all over the country. One thing I've been doing is directing the guys from outside Pune to local community meetings in their respective cities.  I was planning to send the following to the 4 applicants we got from Hyderabad.  (i had already used it for Bangalore - for the meetup last week.  We are using it for the proposed Pune meetup this Saturday and for the upcoming Mumbai one on the 21st.)
Do let me have your views if you think otherwise, or if you have any comments or suggestions


Dear Campus Ambassador Applicant,

Thank you very much for contacting us in regards to the Wikipedia Campus Ambassador program! We were thrilled and inspired by the outpouring of interest across the region from potential Ambassadors like yourself. Currently, we can only train and induct those located in Pune, as we won't be in a position to go across the country at this pilot stage.

That said: we are very ecstatic to hear about your interest in Wikipedia! Until we can expand our Campus Ambassador program to regions beyond Pune, we invite and encourage you to get involved in the Wikimedia movement in other ways (please visit the following for more information on Wikimedia: http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Home). Here are a few easy ideas for getting involved:

1) Attend a meet-up! The next gathering of Wikimedia contributors will be held in Hyderabad on Sunday 8th May @ 3pm. It'll give you a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the various projects that our community works on (such as Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons) as well as meet the wonderful, bright and passionate folks who work on these projects. See the following link for more details on the Hyderabad meet-up, such as venue, agenda, etc.: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Meetup/Hyderabad/Hyderabad33)

2) If you are at a university, start a Wikipedia student club on your college campus! This is a great way to get involved at the collegiate level and begin spreading interest on your campus about Wikipedia. Who knows: it may lay the groundwork for a Campus Ambassador program at your university! For more information and to express interest, visit:http://outreach.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_student_clubs

3) Edit Wikipedia articles! Check out our "Welcome to Wikipedia" brochure which explains the basics of editing (http://outreach.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Welcome2WP_English_082310.pdf&page=1).

4) Contribute images to Wikimedia Commons! Have you taken photos of places around Hyderabad or on your travels? Upload them with a free license to Wikimedia Commons, the multimedia repository with more than 10 million files (http://commons.wikimedia.org/).

5) If you are not on campus or want to start something outside campus, you could use this same basic model for student clubs and adapt it to start a Wikiclub with your friends and colleagues.

6) Join us on facebook @WikimediaIndia (http://www.facebook.com/WikimediaIndia)!

If the campus pilot in Pune is successful, we'll be looking to expand the program to institutes and colleges in Hyderabad in upcoming terms - so please do keep in touch and let us know about your progress as a Wikimedian, and we will be sure to communicate plans for expansion!

Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. Come join us in making it a reality!

Welcome to Wikimedia. Thank you again for your interest!

Hisham Mundol

skype: hisham.wikimedia

twitter: @mundol

On May 7, 2011, at 1:47 PM, Srikanth Lakshmanan wrote:

Hi all,

Wikimeetup 4 @ Hyderabad is scheduled to be held on May 15, 5 pm - 7 pm at Lamakaan,Banjara Hills.Plans to increase Wiki activities[read monthly meetups], outreach programs,increasing contributor base in the city will be discussed. As usual there will be an introductory session for all new comers. Hisham might be joining us to provide an update on India programs.Agenda will be updated in the coming days. Please refer meetup page for more details and sign up. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:MHB4 . Would also be great if you could spread the word around. Looking forward to meeting as many Cyberabad folks at the meetup.

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