I am surprised that no Wikimedia volunteer from Hyderabad has taken notice or objected to this.

Similarly, as I had mentioned to Steven on his WP10 user talk page, the Bhopal event is being organized by a user who is faking his credentials to gain mileage out of the Wikimedia Movement's good name.

More information available here:

Yours sincerely,

Anirudh Bhati

00 91 9328712208
Skype: anirudhsbh

On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 1:12 AM, Steven Walling <swalling@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Hi everyone,

So recently a Hyderabad event got created on ten.wikipedia.org, and I've received some email about it. However, if you read the page (http://ten.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyderabad,_India) you can see it doesn't quite seem to be run by Wikimedians, and I'm concerned by some of the content, such "Wikipedia, as an ultimate resource for Online Media/Marketing" and the fact that is seems to be run solely by a media company.

Does anyone know the editor who created the page or listed contact? I don't want to promote an event that is less about Wikipedia and your work than some random company.

Steven Walling
Fellow at the Wikimedia Foundation

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