Dear all,

Thanks for the detailed update Srikanth.

I do think we should move ahead with NIAS (National institute of Advance studies) as a venue.  
The institute Directory and head of Admin head were gracious to accept the request I made to offer this facility to us for free.

On behalf the whole team, I will go ahead and sent a note to them accepting the venue and thanking them for the offer.
We have a great venue. The focus now is on the content and getting participation.

This is a call for you all to please join the daily calls. We need more help and hands on the deck.
There is a lot of work to be done, We need volunteer time. Please seek the wiki for tasks you can volunteer for.


On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 9:26 AM, Srikanth Lakshmanan <> wrote:
Hi all,

Arun, Tinu and myself have been working on the venue and we visited the NIAS (IISc campus) yesterday. The venue looks good and we would mostly be confirming this place soon. Pictures[1]. Arun, can you please confirm this? I have applied a grant of 1000 USD for the event.Details[2]. The merchandise from foundation is on transit and we would get it in another few days. 

We still have to work on the content format, speakers, food, PR,printing banners, pamphlets etc and a lot more. We are having the daily call for last 3 days and participation is very low.It would be great if the participation increases from the core wikipedians to support this event to make it a huge success.

We shall have the call at 10 pm starting today since some of us are getting late.I request you to join the call and help in volunteering for any of the above tasks. We need more support to make this event happen at the scale we are planning.

Thank you!

Time : 10 pm (starting Jan 6, Daily call)
Conference id: 1587477
Pin: 4254
Dial in number : 080 67224444



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