Hi Arjun,
            I too have attended the recent WIKI 10 in National Center for Advanced Studies, a very prestigious
venue where great ideas germinate. And Mr,Lawrence Liang's speech still reverberates.But for his speech which was the highlight of my Sunday and 10% of my individual interaction time with different wikipedians  the event
was lifeless and very formal (may be because I didn't understand much of technology).

            Right now ,I am scribbling down my thoughts on the screen which may be irrelevant to Wikis, but I
feel this kind of scribbling may enhance the quality of the future meets and wiki edits.

            Your quote," There is no chance that if one user finds one information very useful wants to share with others."  defeats the very fabric of "knowledge society" which is getting ready to share everything may be except a few personal acts(even that a few share on the web which is not a secret).

            This Idea of "sharing with others" is taking deep roots all over the world and Bill Gates is coming to India to convince Ambanis and Mahindras and Birlas(difficult prospect) to share their legal booty.

             My addressing Hi, Is it for Arjun or Omkar? ,I am mischievously confused,like the idea of Wiki. Hi to all.


On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 2:29 PM, Arjuna Rao Chavala <arjunaraoc@googlemail.com> wrote:

On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 11:08 AM, Omkar Shetkar <omkarshetkar@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi All,

   I attended the recent 10th anniversary celebrations of Wikipedia in Bangalore. In the public event we had a discussion regarding giving socialization look to Wikipedia. On the contrary we had a view that it will dilute the very purpose of Wikipedia. Of course I agree that Wikipedia should not be used as a scratch pad to scribble something. It is a repository of authentic and informative knowledge. But that information should be sharable with others. It is the fact that user can reach to that information only if he is interested to know it. There is no chance that if one user finds one information very useful wants to share with others. Can we have popular SHARE button in Wikipedia? By this Wikipedia articles will have more number of visitors and possibly more contributors.

Interesting idea, worth checking the  links on this page  and logging a bug if required.


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