Thanks Sandister.

I join Justice in choosing #KnowGapProject /

On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 9:47 AM, Sandister Tei <> wrote:
The group will be resuming its monthly ( or even weekly) meetings soon. Hopefully, the others regions will be joining us in the activities.

Last year, the workshops were dedicated to recruiting Wikipedia editors. This year we are dedicating it to content / knowledge gaps – issues which haven't been properly covered on the wikis. In the process, if we recruit new editors, that will be a plus.

Every now and then I post edit suggestions in the mailing list and Whatsapp group. It is an extension of that but this time, we are having events to fix these articles.

You can check out the little info I have put out. Also, help select our hashtag: #NoGapProject / #KnowGapProject / #TheKnowProject

#TheGapProject has already been taken. I advise we avoid it.


Sandister Tei

New Media+Journalism | Wikipedia | Purple People

Wikimedia-GH mailing list


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