We have exciting news to share about Movement Strategy.
We are inviting communities and affiliates to host virtual workshops in September and October to discuss what priorities from the Movement Strategy recommendations matter most to them for implementation in 2021 [1].
Over the past two years, the Wikimedia movement has come together to create the recommendations [2]. There are 10 recommendations and close to 50 recommended changes and actions or initiatives [3]. Not everything can be implemented at once. We need to prioritize what ideas matter where and to whom to create a movement-wide implementation plan.
In July and August, a diverse group of 18 Wikimedians [4] - nominated by their peers and communities - came together to design the way for co-creating an implementation plan for Strategy [5]. Many thanks to community members who further enriched these discussions and helped us improve the plan.
== Overview of the transition to implementation ==
The goal is to create an 18-month implementation plan presenting prioritized and sequenced initiatives that we will start working on first. This implementation plan will include flow and timeline for key actions as well as responsibilities and financing needs. This is the first step together in implementing our 10-year strategy. It will help us put the foundations in place that we’ll build on together, and make sure we have the people, resources, and structures we need to be successful.
To get to this plan, we need to have discussions at the local level and in our communities regarding priorities and energy for implementation. There is also the need for thematic discussions and movement-wide alignment, for which events will be convened in late October and November. Afterwards, there will be local and regional follow-up events to discuss decisions, raise awareness, and create clarity for the next steps to put the implementation plan into action in 2021.
For more information please consult the one-page overview for transition events [6].
== Getting started - prioritization workshops ==
We will start with the community and affiliate-led preparation and prioritization. The Movement Strategy recommends local communities have opportunities to shape decisions directly, and the Design Group took this into account in their planning. These events are meant to be light and will highlight priorities for implementation that matter locally, regionally, and thematically.
We invite communities and affiliates to host virtual events to determine their priorities for implementation. The Support Team will provide guidance for the events as well as a reporting template to complete. Facilitation and documentation - and depending on context, translation and interpretation - are required to ensure everyone is heard, people feel safe and welcomed to contribute, and relevant information is captured. To get us started, some regional, language and thematic events have been suggested by the Design Group, and we would love to see more! [7]
The spirit of implementation is one of collaboration and experimentation. We encourage project and online communities to see what ideas in the recommendations they can experiment with to address knowledge equity and knowledge as a service and to reach our strategic direction [8].
For more information please consult this one-page overview of prioritization events [1].
== For affiliates ==
Affiliates can host the prioritization workshops in September and October as part of their annual planning process for 2021. Whether it is to work on local skill development, addressing content gaps, or research and innovation, there is a lot to choose from and prioritize for your context. Beyond addressing local needs, keep in mind regional collaborations, working with partners, and getting involved in global discussions with the movement in November and for implementation in 2021.== The next steps: ==
September and October 2020: Think local and regional. Discuss with your community your priorities for implementation in 2021.
November: Let’s talk global. Cross-cutting thematic discussions and global events will bring us together to plan the way forward.
There will be concurrent on-wiki engagement and options for asynchronous participation
December: An implementation plan for the first 18 months of implementation will be co-created based on the overlap of priorities.
January 2021: The implementation plan will be used to globally coordinate some aspects of implementation while at the same time, local and regional experiments can unfold
For now, indicate on our talk page if you will be hosting a prioritization event in September and October [9]. We will be sharing out the reporting template and guidance for the events very soon. Please add us to your watchlist [10]. You can also send us an email at <strategy2030@wikimedia.org> with your interest or if you have any questions or comments.
We are excited to be kicking off the implementation process with you and look forward to lively discussions.
On behalf of the Support Team,
[2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2018-20/Recommendations
[3] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2018-20/Transition/List_of_Initiatives
[4] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2018-20/Transition/People
[5] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2018-20/Transition/Events_Outline/Draft
[6] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:MS_Transition_Events_Overview.pdf
[7] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2018-20/Transition/Preparation_events
[8] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2018-20