Hello All,

Thanks Rexford for your feedback but as you might know the group is growing and communication seems to be a bigger problem as we try to bring on board new members. I definitely understand your problem with us not using the mailing list which is very justifiable. I do not think the "WMF" would be worried that we have been able to devise a way of reaching our members effectively which gets the needed response and results needed. I think we would do better moving on by sharing much information to cater for all members.

Also, I believe equity would also demand that if you don't hear from us who are leading the group, it would also be prudent to reach out and find out why information hasn't been coming.

To add to what Georgina stated we would work hard in using both channels of communication more often to serve the different kinds of members and what their needs aare.


On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 9:27 AM, Georgina Ofori-Dwumfuo <georg.mis@gmail.com> wrote:
Good morning again.

It's quite unfortunate that these contentions are being dealt with thusly because I believe there has been a major comedy of errors.
The main issue is that we have members who are on the mailing list who are not on the WhatsApp group and vice versa.
However, we have come to notice with time that the WhatsApp group has proven more effective in disseminating information to a larger group. Indeed, there are people who have claimed to be part of both but only saw discussions on pertinent topics when they were shared via WhatsApp.
This is not to say that we have decided to sideline those in the mailing list. 
Moving forward, I believe there is already a conscious effort being made to use both mediums equally and substantively. I am sure Justice can and will attest to this. 
Many apologies for how all these situations have been handled and please, may all members be rest assured that these matters will be addressed in due time, albeit sooner than later. 
Kindly bear with us as we take steps to rectify it all.

Thanks to you all for understanding. 
Thank you, Joy. 

Best regards,

On 18 Jan 2018 09:15, "Joy Agyepong" <joyagyepong@gmail.com> wrote:
Greetings Everyone and Happy New Year!

I find some statements here quite questionable. Please spare me sometime.

Mailing list being dormant is questionable! What made it so? And how do we intend to improve that?

In previous times all communication channels such as (WhatsApp and Mailing list) had all information disseminated  accordingly whether it was active "or with no response from users". So what changed?

I was on travel with our team member Stella Agbley to represent our country in the just ended WikiDivCon during the renewal of membership for 2018. 

Unfortunately, I saw the application form late and it had been closed. So as a follow up I reached out to Justice a week or two after and he said " The one working on it will re-open". After no feedback for some months, I asked again lastweek and I'm now told it will be announced on the Mailing List. 

So my question is when?  Since our focus is more on the "Active WhatsApp Group" but not the mailing list. 
Please can you enlighten me?

Finally, speaking of WikiData as I have just seen in Justice's post from Sandister. Yes! we need to learn more and do more as it is of high interest to me. What is our plan of action?

Congratulations Georgina!! Go spread the word,learn and impact( check on me small wai..lol).
Sadat congratulations to you too.

Best Regards,

On 18 Jan 2018 07:16, "Justice Okai-Allotey" <owulakpakpo@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Raphael,

Let me attempt to answer your questions with some of the facts I know regarding this. So with the selection process Sandister sent this message to the WhatsApp since most of our members are and active after we had worked on our eligibility requirements.

Happy New Year To Everyone

Before anything else, Wikipedia turns 17 on January 15, 2018. There are no special activities planned, it's just for your information.

This year the key theme will be local relevance – activities that are relevant to our Ghanaian context, and relevant to our user group and relevant to our contributors – with the underlying principle of working within capacity – the capacity we have.

It's going to be a fulfilling year.


It is hard to give any schedules because our activities are planned around when grants are approved and when they arrive.

Due to late report writing and and lateness in returning unspent grant money back to the group on the part of the Wiki Loves Monuments 2017 team, we will have to wait to start anything this year.

When WMF gives the green light, I'll let you know. 

Activity guide

I am putting together a guide for our work this year which will include everything from pending events, WiR, upcoming travels, our annual and by laws meeting meeting etc to help us all stay on the same page.

Wikimedia also nudged us towards Wikidata and Wikipedia New Readers – we need to do more towards these.


Please take note of the deadlines: 

Indaba: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WikiIndaba_conference_2018

After this message was sent Sadat and Georgina  were the only once who expressed interest in wanting to represent the group. The selection was made based on their interest and the criteria that has been stipulated by the WMCON.

So actually it should be Sadat and Georgina representing us so I don't know why Georgina's name hasn't yet been put on there.

And with the mailing being our official communication, you can attest to the fact that, it's been dormant for a lot of months now and that the WhatsApp platform is much more active and reaches every member.

This are some of the things I know or privy to and not the official position of the group. I expect you to get an official group position soon on your concern.


On Jan 18, 2018 2:46 AM, "Raphael Berchie" <rberchie@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello everyone happy new year and a belated Wiki birthday to us all.
So I chanced on this https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Conference_2018/Participants%27_List and realized  Sadat is the one representing us at this year’s WMConn. Congrats to him I have no shred of doubt that he will fully represent us and I have no problem about his eligibility and competence.
 My problem however is mode of selection. Was it decided us a community or it was an individual’s decision because as far as I am concerned the mailing list is the official place for having such discussions and I have seen no such discussions here.

Again in previous years we have had consultatative talks and we have all known who was representing us so what changed this year?

Lastly as a Usergroup we were allocated two slots for participation. How come it is only one person.

I need some answers.

Raphael Berchie
Co Founder Open Foundation, West Africa, Wikimedian,Open Advocate, Climate Change Activist,Blogger
P.O Box CT 10469
Cantoments Accra

Wikimedia-GH mailing list

Wikimedia-GH mailing list

Wikimedia-GH mailing list

Wikimedia-GH mailing list

Justice Okai-Allotey

Mobile: +233 (054) 039 4970  Skype: okai_allotey

|Avenger - Urithi Media Limited|

|Social Media Lead - Wikimedia Ghana User Group|

|Linkedin: Justice Okai-Allotey Facebook: Justice Okai-Allotey | Twitter: @Owula_Kpakpo |